Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

Question--do you guys find SG roos to be quieter or less rowdy than your average LF roo? I am getting ready to start a breeding program with a nice boy who is still quite young, and hatching a slew of eggs in two weeks to get some nice girls for him....wondering what to expect as far as noise level. He sure is quiet...for now...but the last one I had seemed pretty quiet too his crow was quite meek and he did not go off constantly like some breeds. Am I setting myself up to be disappointed, or do you find them to be reasonably low key with their crowing?
HA! My Showgirl roo is a terror on the girls and crows an excessive amount. He sounds like he's being strangled when he crows too. I'm happy for you your roo is on the quiet side.
If my full silkie(s) or one of the neighbor's birds crow, my SG roo follows... His crow kind of irritating, sounds like half bull frog being strangled followed by the coo-coo of the roo... Really strange stuff.
How often do you sell them? Money is a little tight right now. I'm trying to save up to get some quality eggs.

I am selling 8+ per week right now because I'm also hatching for my own use. I will be offering them until late fall. I posted my sales thread in my reply.

Here's a couple of my wife's babies from this week.
Here are 3 of my own babies. Think I'm going to keep them all for now, I have more eggs in my bator but not sure how many will be showgirls.


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