Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

...I have a Fabio too. Your Izzy looks just like my Domino. Nice roo very similar looking to one I have named Peanut."

I thought more "Showgirl" people would see this if I posted here instead of the "for sale" area..... My best friend in southern Michigan ordered some Silkie eggs and when they hatched...he also had 2 Showgirl chicks. He doesn't want them... FREE to a good home.... They are both (looks like a pair) white with black skin.....they were just hatched. He won't ship just 2 chicks...must pick up in the Jackson, Michigan area. Anyone interested can pm me and I'll give you his number/address. These are from top quality stock.
Ohhhh lookyyyy!!!!

I have colors. So hopefully next year I'll have showgirls in these colors as well as blue and's baby pictures


Black, Blue, and a white showgirl chick...for new colors, the white is for some new blood in my flock.


Light Calico



sighs...Ok enough gloating...

See yaaa!!!!

BTW, where is everyone

1 Chick Magnet - my goodness - what happens when all 3 hatch - will they fight over the chicks. I can't believe all three fit in there but, those eggs must be nice and cozy and warm.
Hey Fay

How are the eggies doing? Got any little Iowa showgirls growing, try singing Madonna songs to them...
lau.gif of the momma's is named Madonna....

Not my fault, let hubby name two and wound up with a Madonna and a Peanut...

Aren't the little Lav's adorable? The light one is named Sterling and the darker is Pewter.

The Calico's are Confetti and

And that little black showgirl will either be.....Elvira or Algonquine (pronounced L gong Kwin) Indian name blah blah...would be Gonky for short.

I now have, get this.....
....29 Lav eggs, and 18 of my showgirl eggs in two bators....yikes! Glutton for punishment....

See ya Fay

Edited because I have bator brain and can't freakin spell.
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temps will be 53 degrees today, slightly cloudy. Can i let the babies out yet? I have let them outside a couple of times already but temps were in the upper 60s. Im pretty sure they are fully feathered by now but its so hard for me to tell because they are SO naked, haha. they should be around nine or ten weeks by now. (i cant keep track.) its a bit nippy out there this morning, id say close to 35 degrees, but i want to put the out so badly! they are getting way too big for the brooder. WAY TOO BIG.
Hey there aubrey,
I at two months yeah they are mostly feathered by they aren't used to cooler, so maybe keep an eye on them. You can tell when a chick is cold, specially a showgirl they pull their necks in to stay warmer.

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