Showing chickens?


For nothing will be impossible with God-Luke 1:37
Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2021
This year i will be showing atleast 2 of my hens at a fair in August.
Probably my Buff Orpington and Light Brahma. Not that they are more than hatchery quality.
I might show my Blue laced gold wyandotte pullet to, but she has a straight comb not a rose comb.

What do you do before shows?
How do you wash them?
I have been trimming my Orpingtons nails, my brahmas nails are shorter.

Is there anything else i should do?
Thanks in Advance
Your birds must be tolerant of being handled. A person will open the cage, remove the chicken, and take it to a table. They will give the bird a good looking over, probably open the wings, etc. Then, they will carry it back to the cage. This could vary between shows.

At the show you can meet people who breed to the standard and you might be able to pick a pullet, chick, or hen that would improve your flock. This is what I did last year.
Condition is important. Making sure your birds are in a clean, covered enclosure months before the show is important to help them stay clean. Separating them so they don’t damage each others feathers is something people do as well. I would say wash your birds a week before the show, alongside trimming their beaks and nails. Bringing baby wipes along to the show is a good idea, so you can wipe their faces, bodies, and legs down once more when there. Even if they’re hatchery quality, the condition they’re in is something that gets looked at. Anything else you do is just a choice. Some people use feather spray, I don’t. Some people rub vetrx on the combs to make them appear more red. It does dry the comb out afterwards though, and honestly if your bird is healthy it doesn’t change enough to be really important.
Your birds must be tolerant of being handled. A person will open the cage, remove the chicken, and take it to a table. They will give the bird a good looking over, probably open the wings, etc. Then, they will carry it back to the cage. This could vary between shows.

At the show you can meet people who breed to the standard and you might be able to pick a pullet, chick, or hen that would improve your flock. This is what I did last year.
My girls love being picked up by me.

Ive watched the shows and i would be the only one taking the chicken out and handling it so i should be ok thete.
Condition is important. Making sure your birds are in a clean, covered enclosure months before the show is important to help them stay clean. Separating them so they don’t damage each others feathers is something people do as well. I would say wash your birds a week before the show, alongside trimming their beaks and nails. Bringing baby wipes along to the show is a good idea, so you can wipe their faces, bodies, and legs down once more when there. Even if they’re hatchery quality, the condition they’re in is something that gets looked at. Anything else you do is just a choice. Some people use feather spray, I don’t. Some people rub vetrx on the combs to make them appear more red. It does dry the comb out afterwards though, and honestly if your bird is healthy it doesn’t change enough to be really important.
I clean the run weekly and add bedding every few days to the coop. Plus i clean the coop two times a year and the roosts every 2 or 3 months.

I already trim their nails, i haven't done beaks.

What do you use to wash them?
My brahma gets dirty on her back end frequently if i dont keep her back fluff trimmed.
I clean the run weekly and add bedding every few days to the coop. Plus i clean the coop two times a year and the roosts every 2 or 3 months.

I already trim their nails, i haven't done beaks.

What do you use to wash them?
My brahma gets dirty on her back end frequently if i dont keep her back fluff trimmed.
Mostly water with a tad bit of dawn. It’s not the best option, but it’s what I have.

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