Shrill shrieking guineas

I have read and heard that animals and birds know, and it can be observed, a change coming in the weather like an approaching storm etc. They have instincts we humans don't. For several days our guineas were very noisy day and night. We couldn't figure it out but wondered if they could detect the earthquake and its aftershocks in Hatti enough to make them be so loud. They have now quited down some.
See.....they're just letting you know that somethings wrong!
Even if it is thousands of miles away!
you know, we thought we'd be safe with A FEW guineas.. but for heavens sakes! with only our 5 guineas it still sounds like there is a stadium full of those wacky birds. sigh.

spoiled - nope. we dont snuggle the help
lights - nope
weather related - nope when the shrieking started we had stable weather. since then its changed but not sure there is a link
haiti - you know... maybe.. altho i'm not buying into 'the animals know' thing - both of my cats slept thru the worst earthquakes we had while on the Left Coast.

we think we might have an answer.... crazy red neck neighbors.

now, usually WE are the crazy red neck neighbors, so i can say this honestly. but a truckload of fools showed up to the property next to us (which normally isnt occupied). we think they've been there for a while and we hadnt noticed b/c the cold weather has had us stuck inside. we think the guineas are singing along to lynyrd skynyrd... or possibly ted nugent.


i found a solution - to drown them out we are just turning on our extra loud vacuum sweeper and letting it run. we are pretending it is 'white noise'....sigh.

we're pretty sure tho, that all of the poultry has gone nuts. the roosters are trying to kill each other - so are the turkeys.... and the geese.. well its a sad day when my demon gander is the best behaved of the lot of them.

those silly birds had BETTER eat all my darn squash bugs this summer.. thats all i'm sayin'.....
That's why I finally decided to rid of mine! Other than having a mean streak towards my ducks, they'd never shut up! Found a new home for them last week and the peace and quiet is heavenly! Yes they had they're moments of being funny (like letting me know about the location of the garden hose) but I live in the country and I like the quiet sounds of nature w/o the shrieking call of the guineas!
The males are not too bad, they only speak up when necessary but the girls talk all day long!

P.S. Now if I could just find a home for that darn Rooster!
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Come on guys.... They are GUINEAs. What do you expect out of the little turds. The ladies will "talk" all day and the whole lot of them will go off at LEAST 10 times a day.

When I close up the barn at night and get done with the horses and cows, the Guineas are STILL at it. It seems they gotta orchestrate the roosting order or something.

Have you ever watched a group of them free ranging ? They are simply wacky and go off over NOTHING !!

Maybe they are just feeling good. Take Care and try to ignore them. You know, how a New Yorker ignores the rail train next to their 2000 dollar a month dive hotel room for an apartment.
I work nights, my 9 guineas don't seem to understand, they spend all day getting stuck on one side of the fence or the other. Dad takes one group exploring while mom takes the other group and then they discover they are not together and they don't know how to get back. SO THEY SCREAM, and SCREAM, when I had a male and female they only alerted when something was in the yard that shouldn't be, but now! I want to scream. I am going to try to sort out the females and sell them, but nobody wants guineas in feb and I don't think I can stand waiting till spring, my husband will have guinea stew by then. I am glad I am not alone w/ the shrieking guineas. Is this just a winter thing since there is nothing to do/eat or can I expect this joy all year?
The only time mine have shut up since their lock down in the beginning of December is when their eating and sleeping. Of course the females are the worst. I think their getting even with the thuggish behavior the males had this fall.

I put their mirror in their coup for their entertainment in the beginning of winter and I may have a broken mirror one day. Their even charging their own reflections because they are so ticked off their locked up.

OMG, I can relate about them getting separated by the fence line. They would start off grazing on each side of the barbwire fence that eventually turned into woven wire. Once they realized their separated, everyone started screeching. I could hear them more than a half a mile away. I don't know how many times I'd run out there thinking it was a predator attack.

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