sick baby chicks

thanks Henry the way they are dive bombing each other at the moment as they have wing feathers to try out i am optimistic they are healthly. Good luck with yours let me know how you get on
Hi Katie,

Part of the reason people don't use sawdust is because chickens, and particularly chicks, have very sensitive respiratory systems. If they have been scratching up and breathing in excessive amounts of this wood dust, it may have kinda filled up their lung surface and not left enough space for oxygen to get into their blood. This would cause seizures like you described (just like on CSI or Law & Order when somebody gets suffocated) and death.

Changing them from sawdust to pine shavings would be best to make sure these two chicks stay happy and healthy.

Good luck!
Katie not harping just reminding about some basics. Thermometer that works and accurate. At 3 weeks the temp should be 75 to 80 degrees from the light to the top of the wood chips and each week drop by 5 more degrees until fully feathered at 7 weeks. Enough room to get out from the heat if to hot. Under the light if to cold around the light if to warm. NO Drafts but adequate air supply. No dusty saw dust. Food should be bland babies have babies stomachs so scrambled eggs hard boiled eggs plain yogurts. Notice these are proteins for growth and strength. They do need carbohydrates at this stage. Medicated chick feed is the best until about 16 weeks at least. Vitamins in the water like Vita Gro drops. they are going to be just fine. The pictures show healthy chicks. If you want more more chicks now is the time so they can be chick mates after a week or more they will not hang out together like a hatched group. Just know when its your time to go its your time to go and it was not meant for the others like it was meant for these two little ones to make it. Great job at keeping these 2 alive and well. Again welcome to the BYC.
Thanks for that steve it reassures me that i did everything i could and didnt do anything wrong. The so called saw dust I am using isnt real saw dust I asked for saw dust suitable for babies it looks like saw dust to me as i didnt realise there was different types when i read the label its not.(if that makes sense) I will get vitamin drops tomorrow
You may also want to check with the person you bought them from to make sure they did not discover a health issue after your purchase....something contagious. Better safe than sorry. Good luck!
Well the two that are left are fighting fit and seem very happy and doing well getting personalities now

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