Sick betta fish- possible bacterial infection


Aug 14, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone. My male betta, Sauron, is sick with what I think is a bacterial infection; there is a large growth coming out of his lower lip and he cannot eat. He has abandoned his bubble-nest (still take scare of it once or twice a day) and I can't bear to see him like this. He floats vertically and has other symptoms of bacterial infection. I would just like a quick opinion on what to treat with, and will it hurt the fry?

Thank you all

I could maybe post a video, I'll try my best.
I don't know much about fish, but do have some. Perhaps look up what do do for it? I bought some stuff that you put into the water that's supposed to help things heal. Also, you won't have fry unless you have a female Betta. But I'm sure you know that.
I don't know much about fish, but do have some. Perhaps look up what do do for it? I bought some stuff that you put into the water that's supposed to help things heal. Also, you won't have fry unless you have a female Betta. But I'm sure you know that.

Yes, I do, I actually have twelve females and fifteen males, with more to come! :)
I have determined it to be a bacterial infection and i am getting him some medicine tomorrow.
Are all your males together?

They are separate right now. One of the males, Persia, was best buds with another until the latter died- my snails clumped onto the body to eat him, and the live betta looked mad and picked at the snails. I know what the bettas do and I know what they are capable of- Persia and Moscow got along together until Moscow died of old age. Sauron is not kept with any other males.
Do you have a picture of the growth on his lip? It would really help in determining what it is. If it's a gram negative bacteria, antibiotics for gram positive bacteria won't work and vice versa.

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