Sick Blue Swedish Duck


May 11, 2019
Hi we have a 10 week old Drake who has been outside for many days in Wyoming in very wet weather. Yesterday I noticed him opening and closing his bill and breathing very hard. We brought him and the female Rouen/Mallard in until this colder weather breaks. I really don't know if that's the cause. I've treated it like respiratory cold? I make a tea of garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, peppermint, lavender, and oregano for them to drink. Last night I had put a little bit of apple cider vinegar in their water. Last night he was breath so hard I thought he was going to pass but today he isn't opening and closing his bill as much. Do you have any other suggestions or possibilities of what is going on or anything I can do. The temps have been 50s to lows of 30s or so. Maybe dipped a little below that but not much. My chickens seem just fine. The other duck did seem to be breathing a little raspy out it's nose but seems totally fine other than this. He is also not able to make much of any quack now.

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