Sick cat--need help


6 Years
May 13, 2018
The 'too much sunshine' sunshine state
We have 4 outdoor previously feral kitties that have pretty much become ours now. We got them fixed and all that last year and they've stayed with us ever since.

One of them, Simba, showed up today late for his breakfast. However, he's a bit of a loner type at times so it wasn't entirely strange since he's shown up late before. However today he was showing no interest in food and has been being very lethargic. He ate a tiny bit of his hard food, and then we tried to give him their canned soft food (they go crazy for it) but he only nibbled at it then left it.

After observing him I also saw him try to poop--it looked like he was straining and only a little came out. It was membranous and runny, kinda like diarrhea. I watched him to try to poop a second time and nothing even came out.

The other thing was that he let me pick him up twice--and that cat does NOT like to be picked up. Last time I tried he nearly clawed me to death.

So far besides lethargy, not eating, and the poop he appears normal. Is this cause for concern? Will it pass on its own? I'm new to owning cats so I don't really know what's up with him. I would like the vet to be a last option, but it obviously isn't out of the picture. I would like to do my research and ask for any help/guidance on what it could be and how I might be able to help him here at home before taking him over there. Thanks.
He could be constipated, especially since the weather has turned so warm. They get dehydrated (severity varies) before it's realized and this is hard on a cats body. Have you very gently felt his abdomen for any masses or any discomfort? Is he drinking water? If not, he might need to go to vet for fluids. Do you know how to check for dehydration? He also needs a fiber rich diet. I hope your kitty is feeling better soon 💜
He could be constipated, especially since the weather has turned so warm. They get dehydrated (severity varies) before it's realized and this is hard on a cats body. Have you very gently felt his abdomen for any masses or any discomfort? Is he drinking water? If not, he might need to go to vet for fluids. Do you know how to check for dehydration? He also needs a fiber rich diet. I hope your kitty is feeling better soon 💜
Thank you so much for the reply, I have not yet felt his stomach although I sorta of tried the other minute. I will try again to see if I feel anything. I have yet to see him drink water; I was trying to put him in our porch to kind of seclude him so he could have a chance to drink or eat, but he was too nervous in there so I let him back out.

I don't really know how to check a cat for dehydration, how do you? I will also check their food to see how much fiber he is getting in there. Thank you again. :)
My apologies for the delay in responding. The easiest way is to pull the excess skin between his shoulders up and away from his body. Once you release it, it should quickly fall back into place. If it takes a while, he's dehydrated. As humans, as can pinch the skin on the top of our hand and the same rules apply. I hope this helps 💜
Has he been vaccinated for feline distemper?
I don't think so? I think when he was at the vet they only gave them a check up and spay/neuter. I can't remember.

They are stray kitties that we haven't brought to the vet since. Obviously I would do so if I ever needed to, I wasn't sure if there are vaccines that are crucial for them to have?

He did recover the same day and was okay. I'm thinking it was most likely some heat exhaustion/minor dehydration. He was eating and acting pretty normal that afternoon/evening, and the next morning and ever since has been totally normal.

Have you wormed them ever? Worms can cause constipation, mucus in feces and lack of appetite.
I have never, though I have thought about it and wondered if they needed to be wormed. Like I said above, Simba the cat turned out okay, even on the same day. I was in belief it was probably heat exhaustion or a little dehydration, since it's been very hot here.
We have 4 outdoor previously feral kitties that have pretty much become ours now. We got them fixed and all that last year and they've stayed with us ever since.

One of them, Simba, showed up today late for his breakfast. However, he's a bit of a loner type at times so it wasn't entirely strange since he's shown up late before. However today he was showing no interest in food and has been being very lethargic. He ate a tiny bit of his hard food, and then we tried to give him their canned soft food (they go crazy for it) but he only nibbled at it then left it.

After observing him I also saw him try to poop--it looked like he was straining and only a little came out. It was membranous and runny, kinda like diarrhea. I watched him to try to poop a second time and nothing even came out.

The other thing was that he let me pick him up twice--and that cat does NOT like to be picked up. Last time I tried he nearly clawed me to death.

So far besides lethargy, not eating, and the poop he appears normal. Is this cause for concern? Will it pass on its own? I'm new to owning cats so I don't really know what's up with him. I would like the vet to be a last option, but it obviously isn't out of the picture. I would like to do my research and ask for any help/guidance on what it could be and how I might be able to help him here at home before taking him over there. Thanks.
My sister's male cat had that; he had to be rushed to the vet as he had a urinary problem. Apparently it's common in male cats, and usually requires a surgery and lifelong diet to fix it for good. It took us about 10 grand to fix, but the vet was an emergency only vet and kinda played us along for awhile before deciding on surgery, so it would normally be much lower. Try stool softeners, and if that doesn't work, or if he starts peeing in random places, bring him to a vet ASAP,cuz it COULD be a urinary problem in his kidneys, and we were told a cat will usually pass within 48 hours of the start of the problem without aide. Just watch him closely, if he's peeing just fine, then it's most likely constipation. I've had cats my whole life, and it is usually just a tummy problem. Make sure he gets lots of liquids if it is just constipation, and it'll clear up in a few days with some OTC stool softeners. 😊

Sorry! Just saw that your kitty is feeling better! I'm so glad he is and that there wasn't a serious problem!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I will leave this reply here, though, in case it comes in handy in the future. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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