Sick chick???


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 4, 2013
She's 5-6 weeks old. She's not eating or drinking like normal. She's not active. Her feathers are puffed out mainly in the breast area up to her head. Her vent is swollen and irritated. She tried to poop but nothing drops, clear mucous comes out with white liquid. It's all ran down from her vent to her fluff. She's not vocal but when she is she sounds hoarse. I've dealt with pasty butt and I really think something else is wrong. Please help! Thanks!
Were they vaccinated for Marek's Disease? The symptoms really do sound like that. It causes diarrhea, and causes the chick to have no appetite. The chick will also start having a form of paralysis, so it won't move much. The chick will also have trouble breathing, I don't know if yours does, but look for that. Unfortunately, I do not think there is a cure for this and it will result in cancer. If it's not pasty butt, then I don't know what else it could be. Look into some more common problems chicks can have before you think it's Marek's though.

Here's a source that might help:
Not sure but I do know that my flock came from a NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) hatchery. They do testing before they leave the hatchery. I'm thinking it's a bacteria infection. I am going to get some Tylan 50 and see if that helps.
Not sure but I do know that my flock came from a NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) hatchery. They do testing before they leave the hatchery. I'm thinking it's a bacteria infection. I am going to get some Tylan 50 and see if that helps.
Okay, thank goodness it might not be Marek's. I hope the chick feels better soon!

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