Sick chicken help!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
I have a 3 year old brown sexlink hen. I've had her and 5 other chickens along with 2 ducks since day olds. This is the first health problem I've come across...
Basically we are on I believe day 5 of my hen acting lethargic...
Here are the symptoms...

-tail down
-puffed feathers
-still & when she does move she has a carful step.
-small liquid poops(yellow/white/brown
-will eat rarely & drink when I hold up water to beak.
-hasn't laid an egg in forever...

She is obviously in pain and there is no avian vet were I live and I don't want to have to empty my pockets...
I've read up about her situation & think she may have laid internally...
So far I have given her a bath, massaged her crop as it was large a few days ago, trimmed her beak as it was longer then usual.
Is there anything else I can do for my little chicken she is clearly in pain & getting weaker, she weighs about a 1/4 of what my other chickens way... Hate seeing her like this and I have them as pets so Im not comfortable with the whole putting down thing. Right now she is separated from the others as she was being picked on. I'm trying to do anything I can to make her feel better. I just don't have an exact diagnosis...
Please help!
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It does sound like she may be laying internally, or suffering from egg yolk peritonitis. It may be time to think about ending her misery. Antibiotics can be given to help extend life, but she looks to be in pain. Sorry about your hen.
It does sound like she may be laying internally, or suffering from egg yolk peritonitis. It may be time to think about ending her misery. Antibiotics can be given to help extend life, but she looks to be in pain. Sorry about your hen.

Thanks, she did end up passing :(
Thanks, yes I am as well... It was such a hopeless feeling not knowing how to help her... Whatever it was it wasn't contagious. All my other girls are still going strong :) (nock on wood)
Hey,guys,we are having a serious problem and any advice helps. Our whole flock is sick puffy and full of water like liquid eyes,they are sneezing and coughing,runny nose and green mucus is coming out their mouths. We have them on oxytetracycline but it doesn't seem to help. More and more get infected every day and we lost over 5 of the little ones already. Is there anything we can do about it? We have over 20 sick right now. Some are very bad and they need to be hand fed and given water. Any advice helps.
Hey,guys,we are having a serious problem and any advice helps. Our whole flock is sick puffy and full of water like liquid eyes,they are sneezing and coughing,runny nose and green mucus is coming out their mouths. We have them on oxytetracycline but it doesn't seem to help. More and more get infected every day and we lost over 5 of the little ones already. Is there anything we can do about it? We have over 20 sick right now. Some are very bad and they need to be hand fed and given water. Any advice helps.

You should cull the sickest one and send it to your state vet to get a diagnosis of what diseases they have. With your whole flock sick, you have got something very serious such as coryza or mycoplasma (MG,) and possibly other secondary diseases. Those are usually brought in by purchasing a carrier that has come from a sick flock. Most respiratory diseases are chronic, and never cured completely. They come back with any stress. MG and coryza remain alive only 3 days or so once chickens are gone, so it is possible to start over with healthy birds once all birds are gone. Sorry that you are dealing with this, but really sick birds may not drink enough of the medicated water to get enough of it. Tylan 50 injectable given by injection or orally can be a little more effective when they are not drinking well.
If you can, because the majority are sick, remove the ones that don't seem to be sick yet.
Call your local vet with a list of all the symptoms and see what they sugest, may have medication for whatever they think it may be. If it's a serious illness/disease it's important to let them know anyway incase it's an airborn avian virus.
You can always take one of the dead chickens to them if fresh to see if u can get a diagnosis to prober treat it. If that's too expensive may be best to put them down if spreading rapidly and their dying off... I'm so sorry that sounds terrible!
Try cleaning out the whole cage & disposing of the infected bedding properly. Just my advise, haven't had a contagious virus that God but wishing you best of luck! Hope you find so thing on here!

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