Sick chuckie

Xray Lynn

7 Years
Oct 31, 2016
BAckyard Friends I have a chuckie that is just not thriving. I separated her and gave her poultry drench several times, tried to give her yummy stuff to eat and she is getting weaker by the day!!! Help!! Quick!!!
She looks fine, is very thin and light weight. She's about 2 yrs old. She's a Golden Comet.
Thx X-ray Lynn
Losing weight in spite of eating well? When was the least time you gave a wormer?
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She just picks at her food. She doesn't eat a lot of anything. I put Diotemaceous earth in their food regularly. To kill worms.
She just picks at her food. She doesn't eat a lot of anything. I put Diotemaceous earth in their food regularly. To kill worms.

DE only works in a dry setting since it relies on causing dehydration. If you could remove the worms and sprinkle them with DE, then it would work. But, the digestive tract of a chicken is not dry.

If you aren't going to take her to a vet, it's just guessing, really. Could be disease or parasites or internal problems or accidental poisoning...

I'd suggest trying Safeguard since you've never used a wormer and the weight loss & depressed state could be from a heavy infestation. I use a pea sized blob of the equine paste per hen on a scrap of bread. Once per day for three days followed by a second round 7-10 days later to get any that were eggs during the first round. And I'd treat the whole flock.
Thx I'll try that, may be to late for her though she is pretty weak. But thx for the advice.
Update on sick chuckie. She lost the battle last night

Now what I would like to know is how can I worm the other 24 chuckles w/o poisoning the eggs. I sell eggs and my customers would not appreciate that

So any ideas out there chuckie friends? I thought DE would do it, but maybe not. Although I have not had any chuckie she die in years with worms that I know of anyway.
I'm not sure there is a med officially approved for use in laying chickens. You might call your local agricultural extension and ask. I'm personally OK with Safeguard knowing that it's approved for use in humans but the egg selling regulations in your state may not agree with that.

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