Sick flock! Please help


5 Years
May 24, 2017
Southern Minnesota
Please help! It started last night. I noticed one of My hens were lethargic. Moving slow tail down. Comb red. I thought it was vent gleet. I bathed her yesterday, isolated her and she passed last night. Now I’m noticing another is doing the same. She just pooped what looks like egg white?! Slight poopy butt. Any insight?!

EDIT** she just passed a soft egg. Still lethargic but eating and drinking


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I’m sorry again that no one has responded, threads pop up so often here that it’s easy for them to get overlooked, it’s happened to me.

I can’t say what’s going on with your flock but it sounds like the symptoms have a sudden onset so I really feel like this is something infectious “unless all of your chickens have been exposed to a toxin” so the best thing would be to contact a vet if it’s possible. I’m sorry I don’t have any better answers. 😞
I’m sorry again that no one has responded, threads pop up so often here that it’s easy for them to get overlooked, it’s happened to me.

I can’t say what’s going on with your flock but it sounds like the symptoms have a sudden onset so I really feel like this is something infectious “unless all of your chickens have been exposed to a toxin” so the best thing would be to contact a vet if it’s possible. I’m sorry I don’t have any better answers. 😞

Thank you so much for caring. This site has definitely lost its ‘helpfulness’. Perhaps the knowledge left? It’s sad. I lost another lady today. I’m unsure of what to do. Again, thank you for giving a damn. I appreciate you!
I really don't know what your flock might have, the only experience I have is with a pullet who has been laying for 5 months now and maybe 2 months ago she wasn't looking well. Had a messy butt and when I was watching her she laid an egg white, no shell. I gave her calcium for about 2 days before she laid an egg. I've been having to give her a calcium tablet about every two weeks now to keep her shells decent. Shes on layer feed and has oyster shell but it still isn't enough for her. The eggs will be ok, then I'll start getting a thin shell, so I dose her back up again.

She was a bit puffed up, uncomfortable looking and had poo/eggwhite goo down her butt feathers. I really don't know if this helps you, as it wouldn't explain your rooster.

Any chance you've changed their feed lately? How old are they? How long have you had them? Are they on layer feed? Are they eating? Did it recently get really hot where you are?
Thank you so much for caring. This site has definitely lost its ‘helpfulness’. Perhaps the knowledge left? It’s sad. I lost another lady today. I’m unsure of what to do. Again, thank you for giving a damn. I appreciate you!
I’m sorry again, I reviewed the symptoms your flock has been expieriencing on the symptom checker here
Unfortunately it only raises more questions because there are so many possibilities, like I said before I think only a vet could root it out because it would take some testing to figure out what it is. Hopefully the illness has run its course in your flock and you won’t see any more losses.
Please help! It started last night. I noticed one of My hens were lethargic. Moving slow tail down. Comb red. I thought it was vent gleet. I bathed her yesterday, isolated her and she passed last night. Now I’m noticing another is doing the same. She just pooped what looks like egg white?! Slight poopy butt. Any insight?!

EDIT** she just passed a soft egg. Still lethargic but eating and drinking
I'm sorry you are losing hens. I'm not very good with illnesses but check for coccidia, especially if your run area is wet or damp from recent rain. It can kill quickly as symptoms sometimes don't show till it is too late. I believe covid is the brand name used for Amprolium in the States. Also check for worms & mites/lice. Often a sick hen will have a number of different things going on as they stop looking after themselves properly.
If a chicken dies for an unknown reason you should probably have a necropsy done, they're not always 100% but it at least gives you a starting point.

I have no experience with vent gleet, if that's even what it is. I hope you can find out soon, I am so sorry for your losses.
I really don't know what your flock might have, the only experience I have is with a pullet who has been laying for 5 months now and maybe 2 months ago she wasn't looking well. Had a messy butt and when I was watching her she laid an egg white, no shell. I gave her calcium for about 2 days before she laid an egg. I've been having to give her a calcium tablet about every two weeks now to keep her shells decent. Shes on layer feed and has oyster shell but it still isn't enough for her. The eggs will be ok, then I'll start getting a thin shell, so I dose her back up again.

She was a bit puffed up, uncomfortable looking and had poo/eggwhite goo down her butt feathers. I really don't know if this helps you, as it wouldn't explain your rooster.

Any chance you've changed their feed lately? How old are they? How long have you had them? Are they on layer feed? Are they eating? Did it recently get really hot where you are?
Thanks for the suggestion! It’s worth a try. I’ve been experiencing so many things within this coop I’m unsure if they’re linked together or not. Random shell less eggs, really rough egg deposits at times, diarrhea - the Poopy butt and latharic towards the end.

No change in food besides more BOSS. I’ll upload what they’ve been on. It’s an Extra Egg Layer. The first I had since a day old and she was just over a year old. The second is a rescue and I have not a clue how old she is but guessing around 2. She was a good 5-6 eggs a week layer. From what I can tell, all are eating and drinking. They free range as their run is not finished yet. I’m in Mn so it’s still cool here, thankfully!

I will be bringing the 2nd for a necropsy today. Thank you again for your suggestion!


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