Sick hen.... nostril and beak starting to turn gray/brown


12 Years
Oct 27, 2007
Orlando, Florida
Never have I seen this, or read anything about it. My searches have left me at a loss.

I have a hen that all of a sudden went sick. This morning she is the classic picture of sick. Lethargic, droopy wings, not eating or drinking. Nothing to pin point one thing or another. Oh, and rapid breathing starting in the afternoon.

I've feed her yogurt and some Gatorade, along with a broad spectrum anti-biotic this morning, This afternoon I was informed that a big chicken breeder in the area had a big break out of cocci, so I put some sulmet in the water.....

While doing this...she has not improved, and her nostril started to turn, then started going down her beak. She normally has a very pale beak, so its noticeable.

Any ideas? This is my sons first chick he has raised himself. He showed her boyfriend for 4H a couple weeks ago. He is doing good, nothing out of the ordinary.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Take a listen to her lungs, under wing for any crackles, wheezing etc.... Any puss in the nostrils? The heavy breathing could be from pain..... How is her crop? Has she been laying and when was the last egg.... Check for a stuck egg.... When was she last wormed?
I am thinking that she may be becoming anemic or poor blood circulation., and leading to the discoloration of her beak....
Not hearing any sound in her lungs.... But, I can see lack of oxygen causing the discoloration ....Oh ya, and I've given her 2 doses of vitamins, so I'm thinking that would rule out anemia.

Her crop is empty, as for the egg, shes only ever laid 1. First egg was couple weeks ago. Wow, didn't realize so long has gone by. Just checked her, not feeling anything like an egg, shes not acting like an egg bound hen, but I know they are all different. Ill give her a warm bath, just in case though.

Haven't wormed my flock since last year, but haven't seen any signs. I actually picked up the ivermectin last week to do a spring round of worming, but never got to it =(.. Think it would be OK to give her ivermectin after giving her antibiotics and sulmet? Ive only gotten a few tsp of yogurt in her today.
Hi FLchook,

It's really hard to come up with an idea of what's wrong, but ordinarily when one of my hens sickens while not laying it's a sign of something wrong in the laying tract. Coccidiosis is quite unlikely in an adult bird (not impossible, but very very unlikely).

I can't help feeling it's also unlikely to be worms unless she's quite skinny and has diarrhea; I imagine you've already checked her breastbone to make sure she isn't really thin. By all means worm her if you must, but you've already given a few medications and unless there are clear signs that she's wormy, it may be best to wait. All medications are stressful on birds.

Meanwhile I'd separate her and watch her closely. I'd be looking at her backside to see if there's anything seeping out (yellowish dribble can be a sign of internal infection). Also check to see if there are any broken soft shelled eggs lying about the roost area (often a precursor to a hen going sick). Check to feel (externally) if her abdomen is distended, water-filled, tight, hard, or has any obvious lumps or other problems.

If she basically feels all right, isn't skinny and has no discharge from the vent, it would still seem there's something infective going on, but maybe that would be a case for a vet visit for a proper diagnosis. If it's a really special bird then you might try continuing the antibiotics, but you won't really know if they're appropriate for the germ. Then again if you see some recovery that may be a sign that you hit the nail on the head, so perhaps it's worth a go.

Once again I'm no expert but these are things I'd look for if I was trying to diagnose my own hen.

cheers and good luck
Our little girl passed during the night. She actually looked very peaceful. Thanks for everyones thoughts, being able to try everything we could, makes me feel a little better. Her boyfriend Cool Guy is beside himself. Pacing his pen like he does when they are separated. He's a tiny white Japanese, so letting him run with the flock would be like putting a big arrow saying "eat me" for the resident hawks.

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