Sick hen, not quite a year old


11 Years
May 9, 2012
The Black Copper Marans I hatched out are doing well, one is laying, but I now have a sick one. She started acting a little droopy Friday and today I saw her stumble just a bit. For the most part she walks fine but I did see her wobble. She stays hunched up with her head ooched back on her back. Her poops are fine and she drinks water. I put out wormer today and had her by herself in the pen so the rooster wouldn't mount her. She doesn't have much feed in her craw but she is eating. Not much though. I gave her some pepto bismol this evening. I don't want to lose her. I lost a Buff Orpington last year who started with the same symptoms only she didn't keep her head/neck back close to her body.
Hello!! Apple cider vinegar, probios, brewer's yeast, and maybe some fresh vegetables might help her. Does she have sour crop? Does her crop feel soft and squishy at night? If it is hard, she doesn't have sour crop. Hope this helps!
How old is she? Could she have coccidiosis? She has some of the symptoms, but they usually have diarrhea with or without blood in it. Corid (amprollium) is the best treatment.
I'm sorry I haven't posted an update but thank you for your responses. I gave her Co-rid plus some electrolytes on day one. I fed her a small amount, maybe a little more than 1/4 teaspoon of pepto bismol twice during the day. the second day we took a syringe for diabetics, added .5 antibiotics and gave that to her. She was much better by the third day. I gave her a little bit of pepto on day 3 and now she's back to normal. Maybe unorthodox but it worked :D

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