Sick Hen / Runny Poop / Not Eating


Apr 17, 2023
Pacific Northwest
Sick Hen / Lethargic / Runny Poop / Not Eating
** Poop Photo **
My 5 month old Maran has been acting a little off for a couple days but was energetic enough to run away from me when I tried to examine her, so I got her after dark and isolated her. She had an empty crop, but her feathers and vent look normal. I found a soft egg below the perch yesterday - not the first time. I think it was hers - that’s her usual spot to perch.
She eats all flock with access to calcium in multiple places. They don’t free range but have a large enclosure in a field which I keep mowed (4-6 inches)
The photo shows her poops from overnight.
Please help - I don’t know what to do for her and I feel panicked. I don’t see her drinking either.
I would give her a human calcium citrate 600 mg tablet with vitamin d3 today and for the next week unless her eggs become normal. Try to get her eating some cooked egg, watery chicken feed, a bit of tuna or whatever she will take. Try to stay mostly with chicken feed. She may start to feel better unless she has another episode. There could be another egg coming, and soft or shell-less eggs can make them feel lousy.
I would give her a human calcium citrate 600 mg tablet with vitamin d3 today and for the next week unless her eggs become normal. Try to get her eating some cooked egg, watery chicken feed, a bit of tuna or whatever she will take. Try to stay mostly with chicken feed. She may start to feel better unless she has another episode. There could be another egg coming, and soft or shell-less eggs can make them feel lousy.
Thank you. I will try that right now.
Just as follow up - my hen perked up and is eating and laying eggs with shells. They are not entirely normal - blotches of darker color and slightly pointed. I notice she’s very timid and at the bottom of the pecking order. i wonder if I shes stressed out and getting bullied…

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