Sick Hen

She is 2.5 years old. Has been my best layer and sweetest, most active hen!
She has no desire to eat her feed the only thing she will devour is a scrambled egg. I gave her the last one at 11 am, nothing since then but water it is 8:29 pm and her crop is still full? Not sure if this is normal but I think I may need to start giving her olive oil ?
You should never mix grit or oyster shell with their feed.
The chicken will know if it needs one of these two things and eat it accordingly.
I didn't mix it , just offered it by itself and she refuses it just like she does her normal feed, the only thing she will eat is a scrambled egg.
SHE IS PERCHING! I checked on her last night and she was perching on the box we made for her inside!
She's recovering it's a Miracle!! Still am not sure exactly what was wrong with her or what treatment is working? But it's working nonetheless!!❤️

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