Sick hen


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
I've got a 7 month old barred rock who is usually one of the more active hens. I got home to turn them out for the evening and she was just standing by the wall. I reached down to pick her up and noticed her craw was extended and can tell she is not feeling well. She is outside now but shying away from the flock. She only moves if the others come around. Her back is arched and she is obviously uncomfortable and not herself. Can anyone help. She is my wife's favorite
I haven't had a chicken with impacted crop, but it sounds like yours may have that or a crop infection. Many people treat it different ways, by giving a teaspoonful of olive/vegetable oil with a dropper by mouth, then carefully turning the chicken at a 60 degree angle down and massaging the crop upwards. The chicken hopefully will vomit up the obstruction. Some treat it with yogurt, mycostatin drops, and other treatments. You can do a search at the top of the page on "impacted crop" and here is a link about it to read:
did it and the poor thing pumped out a lot of water. still got a small bulge. she still really wobbly. closes her eyes and has labored breathing
From what I have read it sometimes takes a couple of days. The key is to get anti-fungal (like mycostatin) into her, and keep massaging her crop. Don't feed anything but very soft mushy food (yogurt, applesauce,etc.) until she is pooping well.

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