Sick new Oprington pullet


In the Brooder
Oct 15, 2016
Huia, New Zealand
Hey there. Im new to this forum but not too new to keeping chickens. My name is Dave and am in New Zealand. I have been using BYC for some time but have never been a member. I was hoping I could get a little assistance.

I have 6 girls in total but 3 are free ranging Cochin hens which I have had for not far off a year and the other 3 are Orpington pullets of around 3months of age. Only got them yesterday.

The new Orpies are currently isolated from the free rangers in an old coop and run. This morning I went to check on the new additions to find two very alert ones and one that was very lethargic and more or less sleeping. I have monitered her for the morning with no change.

I have since removed her from the other two and isolated her in a cat carrier. All 3 are and were on medicated feed.

She wont eat or drink un-assisted and is weak on her legs, just wants to sleep and sits there shivering and breathing a little heavy. She hasnt pooped so cant comment on that. I have since given her some Coxiprol with water and fed her with yoghurt.

The breeder is vary cautious and even made us santize out boots etc before entering the property. She seemed find on the morning of pickup too.

Any ideas?



This is here.

The goo round her beak is some yoghurt that didnt go down.
I would get her started on a vitamin pack for chickens i don't know where you would get that in new Zealand but a good brand is sav-a-chick.Lack of nutrition could cause shivering,Weakness in legs.
Thanks for that. Not sure where to get vitamin packs from either.

She has also started to make the odd coughing sound every now and then which causes her to wake her self up.
Has she been with other chickens because mareks will spread easily.It might be a lack of nutrition though.Best of luck

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