Sick peacock


In the Brooder
Jan 19, 2022
Can someone please help me.
My bird is really sick. I treated him for worms two weeks ago with tramasol for 3 days. It seemed to work his poo went back to normal. But now it's gone yellow and white again.
He is not eating or drinking.
Now he have a respiratory problem. Really chesty and weezeing.
There is no bubbles coming from his eyes or mouth. What should I do????
I've asked a friend who suggests 'honey and a b vitamin tablet crushed up would be worth a try into the beak'.

When I needed to give 'oil' to a chicken with an impacted crop, I put margerine into the rim of a plastic lid so it was like a little mini trough that the beak could go into and it was easy for me to handle.

My friend also says that coccodsis that does make foamy yellow poo and corrid is best for it, if you can get it. Other wormers might not deal with it so effectively.

Once he can eat, she suggests 'Honey will give energy and live yoghurt they often get low on vit b people tend to feed them too much grain and not enough meat and fruit'

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