Sick quail (golden manchurian coturnix)

Raw? I always thought it would be risky to give it raw so I have been giving after cooking. I just bought this and have been mixing it with egg and carrots: (I hope the website auto translates :))
Its what I have done for my own as not to cook the nutrients out just alittle messy but it won't hurt them they absorb the York in the egg but its really whatever you feel is best for your flock baby aspirin can help with inflammation just not something I would use alot of
Its what I have done for my own as not to cook the nutrients out just alittle messy but it won't hurt them they absorb the York in the egg but its really whatever you feel is best for your flock baby aspirin can help with inflammation just not something I would use alot of
Thank you for the tip. At the moment (also due to all those disease stories I have been reading the last couple of days) I'm trying to be careful with possible extra bacteria/virus risks. Messy, I wouldn't really mind. :)
Thank you for the tip. At the moment (also due to all those disease stories I have been reading the last couple of days) I'm trying to be careful with possible extra bacteria/virus risks. Messy, I wouldn't really mind. :)
Boil the egg. It's much cleaner and they enjoy it a lot.
Nutrition information on her food would be good.

It sounds like some sort of respiratory disease. I'd recommend a vet, but you've already taken her to one. Do you have the option of taking her to another vet?
Hello! I checked the label for the nutrition information but unfortunately there isn't any, so I took a picture of the food instead. It might give an idea. :)

There is a good avian vet I know but he is 50 minutes drive away and I don't know if I should put her through travel stress. I am already stressing her by checking up on her regularly to see if she is eating and drinking, plus the medication routine 2x per day. Yesterday she was so stressed that she started to jump backwards after I put her back in her cage as if she was trying to avoid a hand that wanted to grab her. She still cannot see and it makes it harder I suppose.
This morning I gave her an egg with herbal mix and tried a tiny bit of yoghurt. It's day 6 of antibiotics. I wonder if it's normal that the progress is really slow.


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It sounds like you're doing everything you can. Be careful of "herbal mixes". They aren't always good. For example if there is garlic in there, that can be toxic to birds. Diatomaceous earth is another of those false cure alls and should never be taken internally but is often seen in feeds.
The herb is special mix for quail (checked the ingredients: turmeric, goji, spirulina, oregano, ginger etc. It sounds like a power powder :))
Thanks for the warning about the diatomaceous earth. I just ordered it for their dust bath, so I will make sure they don't get it into their bellies!
The herb is special mix for quail (checked the ingredients: turmeric, goji, spirulina, oregano, ginger etc. It sounds like a power powder :))
Thanks for the warning about the diatomaceous earth. I just ordered it for their dust bath, so I will make sure they don't get it into their bellies!
It might also cause irritation in their dust bath. It's an abrasive, so while it may work as a pest deterrent, I wouldn't use it for much else.
It might also cause irritation in their dust bath. It's an abrasive, so while it may work as a pest deterrent, I wouldn't use it for much else.
I've ordered it right after I discovered that this sick girl also had some weird lice. I didn't think that permethrin spray would help right away and didn't want to use it for a long periode of time so diamotaceous earth seemed like a good, natural alternative. :/ Thankfully the spray helped after one use so I don't need any remedy at the moment. Maybe I should return it if it will do rather harm than good.
Hello there. After having searched all through the internet without success, and going crazy due all the stories about fatal viruses I have decided to create an account to tell about my quail's issue instead of comparing other quails' issues to our situation in order to find a solution. I hope someone has an idea.

3 weeks ago I have found one of our quails (we have 4 in total) with a bruised/swollen toe and a swollen/infected eye. I took her to the vet, (respiratory infection; no idea what she has on her toe, though) and we started a treatment with Sulfatrim and Carprofen. After 2,5 weeks the swollen eye was better but for the rest no change at all. She was sleeping the whole time, her chest/neck expanded during breathing while she slept (which was kind of scary), so I took her back to the vet. She changed the medicine to Novadox and said that I could continue using Carprofen if I wished to. I also got an eye cream (chloramphenicol) for the infection because the quail still didn't open her eyes which happened to be very red. It's been 5 days now and I still don't see any changes. She sneezes, sleeps most of the time and her chest expands (I don't know if this is the right description. English is not my first language, sorry.) while she sleeps, her eyes are most of the time closed and if she opens them she doesn't seem to see very well so when she tries to eat or drink she misses a couple of times until she finds the containers. Her appetite is good which seems odd because loss of appetite seems like a common symptom for almost all viruses/bacteria. Her poop is also normal, no discoloration/not watery. I give her vitamins and herbal mix to improve her immune system but I wonder if I should switch the medicine again. Or should I wait a bit longer?

Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know what's the dosage of Doxycycline for a quail? (Novadox 10mg/ml to be precise.)

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