Sick rouen female

Kathy I cant thank you enough for your input. Can I ask what happened to your duck. Our problems started a year ago she would pant like crazy for no reason and like I said we have no experienced waterfowl vets around here. So my son and I went to work searching the internet and found several things then we had her checked for metritis and it came back positive so we did 3 rounds of Baytril from Nov last year through Feb this year things started looking up. Then in April she started panting, and laying soft shelled eggs again. only this time they would have these things attached to them.So the vet put her on penicillin in May things turned around.. June and July were of course great Then 2.5 weeks ago she started to molt along with more soft shelled and misshapen eggs. Four days ago we noticed that she had started popping her soft shelled eggs and eating the yellow. Thats when we found that poop above so I thought maybe the poop was that color from eating raw yolks 3 days in a row,. Is that even possible? Or could this be related to molting?

These are things that I cant find answers to.I can not let anything happen to her shes my only girl. I love her so. And cant take seeing her in pain. God blessed me with 2 sons and a drake and Ronin.
Please help me if you have advise
I treated my duck with Baytril and she recovered, but I had a chicken hen that didn't, so I think it really depends on how quickly you cach the infection and treating with the proper antibiotic.

Oh my Gosh Kathy I just read those sites and she has salpingitis what am I going to do. The vet prescribed penicillin injections again today. Should I give it to her? Do you know an avian vet thats trustworthy to do the surgery. I can not believe this. I can not let anything happen to her
Shes so bossy but I love her.
Oh my Gosh Kathy I just read those sites and she has salpingitis what am I going to do. The vet prescribed penicillin injections again today. Should I give it to her? Do you know an avian vet thats trustworthy to do the surgery. I can not believe this. I can not let anything happen to her . Shes so bossy but I love her. Jody
She's beautiful! I think the surgery is very risky, and then I think you have to keep them on hormone implants. Please keep in mind that I have zero medical training, and my posts are based on the fowl I have treated, and links like the ones I posted. In my signature is an aian vet search link, so check that out and see if you can find a vet to give you a second opinion. Did the vet say why they wanted you to give penicillin instead of something else? I'm sure they have a reason, but it's good to know why. -Kathy
Oh thank you Amiga we are not doing so well. After eight hours of grunting she pushed this out I think it is a lash egg but not totally sure. To answer your questions Yes we make food with clean water available 24/7 and she also has crushed eggshells and oyster shells along with nutrena layer food then she also gets to play in mud hole everyday for a few hours.(grit) I was thinking that the first picture might be yellow from internal laying? What do you think? we have been weighing her 3 times a day and her weight has been 4.11oz to 4.14oz What am I going to do if its a lash egg? Please let me know what you think. Jody
Try not to obsess about her weight too much (easier said than done, I know), and weigh her at the same time in the morning *before* she eats and that will give you a more accurate idea of her actual weight. -Kathy
okay well is there anybody on here that has ever seen or heard of stem cells being used to heal ducks? I just cant let her continue to be in pain and I dont like the options I've been given.
I dont like the surgery either.
By the way Kathy he said that if her metritis has come back that the penicillin injections would kick it in the butt. We were not sure what she had remember he has no experience in waterfowl so he will only do what we suggest.
If there is anyone on here that you know of that can help me or should i move this thread to get some advise.
I guess what I need to do first is confirm that she has salpingitis? How do I do that Please keep in mind we do not have a vet anywhere around here that knows or understands waterfowl but I do have one that will do what I ask him to do. So if I know what to tell him he will try.
So, salpingitis is inflammation of the oviduct, it seems to me that something like Metacam or Rimadyl ought to help, yes? Not saying that is the only medication to use, but might be a good start.
Can someone please tell me the correct procedure a vet is suppose to do to check for salpingitis?

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