Sick rouen female

we have an appt with our vet tomorrow to get a swab done to see what we can find. Please keep us in your prayers. Ill let you know what happens,
. This is my son the one Ronin loves the most. She would do anything for him
we have an appt with our vet tomorrow to get a swab done to see what we can find. Please keep us in your prayers. Ill let you know what happens,
. This is my son the one Ronin loves the most. She would do anything for him
Good luck tomorrow.
They should be able to check the swab in house and see what type of antibiotics should work, but it's probably a good idea to have them send it off to a lab to culture it and see what antibiotics the bacteria is sensitive to. In house test should cost $25 to $40, but the culture and sensitivity might cost as much as $200.

If she is losing weight, please talk to your vet about tube feeding. They should be able to show you how.

Oh my Kathy I didnt even think about that.(tube feeding) Yes she is barely eating. I bought her some romaine and picked thistle and dandelions. She also had some crickets.Are you kidding about the price?
I had no idea.
Thanks Jody
okay Ladies were back and he prescribed minocycline and rimadyl. And were talking to another vet about stem cells to possibly heal her repro tract if need be. Right now shes hiding in a dark corner resting. Hasn't touched any food for close to 5 hours now Im getting sick to my stomach. I hope that the meds kick in fast.
What's her current weight?

Did you ask about tube feeding?

Did he explain why he chose that antibiotic?

Are you having the swab tested?

okay well she weighs 4.12oz right now shes holding steady which is weird because shes not eating much of anything. Yes he showed us how to tube feed and it doesnt look fun he said only to do it if she goes longer then 12 hours with no food or water. They checked the swab there and he thinks she indeed has salpingitis. I told him no surgery and he agrees not being trained in waterfowl. He said if I wanted surgery I would need to look for more experienced vet. She has perked up a bit.Still ripping those feathers out.My goodness. Oh and he chose those antibiotics because he felt they would get rid of any infection there was and the anti inflammatory is to of course get selling down. The other thing he suggested is to put her on an implant for a few months to give her body time to heal. Hes doing the research now.
thanks again for all your help and ill keep you posted on whats going on.

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