Sick rouen female

Why don't you call your state fish and game office they might have some one they can refer you too. It seems like you need to find a new avian vet, I'm sure he could do some research and find an answer.
Sechs just got the one cystorelin shot good for four weeks to get her through the crisis. Cost much less than 400 dollars. The rest added up, but she is still with us, and six and a half years old

Well were half way through medicine and shes doing okay however shes gaining weight and Im confused. Shes 5.2 shes not laying anything. shes molting like crazy oh my you should see her I will take picture tomorrow for you. So if shes loosing feathers, not laying should she be gaining.? Shes eating great. I let her chose between her laying food and regular food. She eats salad and worms.

So what do u think?
I would not panic . . . I think a Rouen's weight range is from 6 to 8 pounds? More? Not a Rouen keeper . . . my biggest ducks, Buff and Rouen-Khaki mix are about 5 pounds.
Well everyone Its been 3 weeks and I wanted to to give a final update on Ronin. She lost all her feathers while on minacycline (did a complete molt). She is feeling much better. I think!. She has not laid any eggs could be from the molt or just the scars from the illness Im not sure yet. Her feathers have almost completely grown back in. She looks beautiful.
Shes back to her bossy self and Im so glad. We did order the hormones but have not used them yet. She stopped laying on her own after taking minacycline. Her weight is holding steady at 5.1.
She is a mix of Rouen and mallard. So I think that should be right.?

I want to thank everyone who helped me through this ordeal. I was so close to losing it that I couldnt see the light at the end of the tunnel. You all are so great if I can ever help please dont hesitate in emailing me. This problem with Ronin has been going on for a year and for the life of me we couldnt figure it out. Personally I think it s because shes a mix. Rouens lay big eggs and her little body strains to lay them. When she started laying is when the problems all began.

But now that shes not laying should she still be eating layer food?

Thanks Again for all your support and advise
I would keep her on layer to make sure her calcium is not depleted from her bones. It affects not only egg shells, but bones, cardiovascular and nervous system.
Thank You maam. Just what I was thinking. But wanted to make sure. I hope all is well with you and yours: )

I noticed a little white grainy stuff in her poop today. I hope that is normal? I didnt take picture of it though.

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