Sickly marans chick..


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2017
I have 9 chicks in this group, ages 3 Weeks-5weeks. Two days ago two of my 3 weekers were standing around fluffed up, obvious they didn't feel well. I saw what I thought might be a small amount of blood in droppings so started Corid. I removed the two. Today seems back to normal and one a little better. The little roo had what looked like greenish tinted poop yesterday..haven't noticed any today. I started giving them a little wet cat food for extra protein because he wasn't eating..he has a pretty full crop and I've seen him eat most of today. Any idea what might Ben going on? All others still seem completely normal. Thanks for any insight!!
What do you normally feed?
What is the dosage of Corid you are using - how long have you been giving the Corid?

Corid should be given for 5-7days and the solution should be the only water available during this time. No other additives to the water.

Greenish tinted poop can be a number of things - not eating well or not eating the proper poultry feed. Try offering wet chick starter to see if he will eat that, you can still make some cat food available or give him some chopped egg.

Watch to see that he is drinking the Corid water well and staying hydrated.
If he is in a brooder, consider making a source of chick grit (crushed granite) available as well.

Let us know how he is doing.
Started coris the day he first seemed ill. 9.5 cc per gallon. They have been eating nutrena chick starter. Went out this morning and he seems great! Not fluffed up and I put out new feed (starter) and he went right to it and dug in! Hoping he has made the turn around!! He really is a promising looking little guy!

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