Sickly Welsummer Hen .... ?


8 Years
Sep 19, 2011
I'm hoping I'm just being nervous or just an ignorant newbies but I thought I would reach out.

I have a reasonably young Welsummer hen, she is about 16 months old. She has laid me an egg like clockwork every day for the past several months.... (Lucky me!)
The past few days though no eggs

And now tonight I go out to feed and she isn't her normal self. Her clucking seems so low in volume. She's also lathargic. She still scratches and walks about but she doesn't seem to be eating.
I did a test and brought out some live meal worms and bread. Nothing happened. The geese and her coop mates, her daughter and Roo, both hatched 7/24/2011 and very healthy in appearance, went crazy, gobbling everything up I was willing to drop.
Mama however would come over and look and not eat. Now I am worried. I've put her in a dog crate on the back porch so I can make sure she's pooping and what it looks like, and also to see if she is laying and the "kids" are eating the eggs before I collect them, etc.
Overall visually she looks beautiful. Her eyes are bright, her backside is clean, feathers looks shiny and full, nostrils look clean. No sores, lameness, and I felt her backside for possible egg impactions and found nothing.
2 days ago it was about 40* F and the big dummies were happily running in the rain and cold instead of in their houses.
Could this be due to the cold?
Should they be wormed? (I've never wormed them).
I am going to the feed store tomorrow and am going to get some wormer. Not sure what else to do. Any thoughts?
Sorry for the rambling!!
Do you see feathers around? What is her poop like? Is she losing weight?

I have not had a welsummer (or any other breed) ever not come to eat treats, so you are right to be concerned.

It's possible she's getting ready to go into molt. My hens stop laying about a week before you see feathers everywhere.
There are some feathers but not many. Maybe because she is just starting? Do they usually ignore treats during molting... I know they can get to feeling yucky or seeming so. No weight loss I don't think she's a pretty hefty girl. Poop I can answer tomorrow in the light, she was with her mates so I couldn't be positive who's poo was who's.
Ok the good news is Mama ate some bread this morning, she seems fairly good. Several of her poops are mostly white with some black then two with mostly black little white?????? I have always fed hey purina flock raiser and am now giving her corn cause of the cold weather. She also gets some sunflower seeds, but I think the squirrels eat more of them then any of my flock does.
I think she's molting as well. Chickens will have their first molt around 17 months of age and she falls right in there. Is her comb and wattles lighter than usual? Another sign of a molt.
Her comb doesn't look lighter but she has a few flecks of like dry skin on it. Very small. I ordered the Valbazen today so I can worm everyone. Every time I have checked on her today she seems ok. Eating treats now. She seems frustrated to not be with her mates but other then that fine. Since she is molting during winter do I need to bring her indoors? I do live in Florida but we have gotten snow heavy enough to turn my front steps white three times in the past 2 years. Is there anything special I should do for her? Is it ok to put her back in with her kids? Thanks for everything everybody

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