Sickness in Barred Plymouth Rocks


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 9, 2011
Are these chickens prone to any particular illnesses? I have a Barred Plymouth Rock named Rocki that is part of a small 3-hen flock I've had for over two years. The other two are RIR and Americauna. They all eat the same feed, insects, vegetable scraps, etc. and are kept in a pen rather than free ranging. Over a month ago Rocki stopped laying eggs at all and has not laid since. Over the last 4 days, I've noticed her comb is flopped over to one side and looks kind of ashy. She sits more than she walks unless she happens to get a bug or worm that she loves. I have picked her up and checked her vent and gently massaged her abdomen but nothing seems to help. She developed liquid bloody diarrhea today so I'm getting a little desperate to find out how to help her. Does anyone have any ideas?
Bloody diarrhea is one symptom of coccidiosis, along with lethargy, hunching or puffing up, and poor appetite. Since your chickens are two years old, could a new strain of cocci have been brought into your flock somehow by a new chicken or tracked on your feet? Enteritis and worms I think can cause blood in the stool, but I would wonder about reproductive cancer causing bleeding because of her other symptoms. This is puzzling. Since coccidiosis is easily treated with Corid (amprollium) I would probably treat for that immediately. Enteritis is treated with antibiotics including amoxicillin, erythromycin, and aureomycin. For capillaria or hair worms that would cause bleeding, I would use either Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer 1/2 ml by mouth, and repeat in 10 days. Levamisole will also work. As far as barred rocks being prone to illness--I don't think so. They are very popular in flocks for their dual purpose and are pleasing to look at. Here are some links that may help you:
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Thank you - that is a wealth of helpful info! Will get started immediately. Yes, quite possible it tracked in on my feet as there are two feral chickens that keep hanging around our property, a roo and a small hen. Should I treat with the Corid and the antibiotics at the same time? Or try the first and wait, etc.?
By the way, should I leave off putting the apple cider vinegar in their water while using the Corid?
I would use the Corid without ACV in the water. After corid use vitamins and probiotics (or yogurt) to get the gut bacteria healthy. Then try the antibiotic if you feel she has symptoms of enteritis. Either medication won't hurt her, but may save her.

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