Sierra Mountains-Gold Country-Foothills


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
Hi everyone! We all love being part of the other California threads, but I thought I'd start a thread for us mountain dwellers. We have environmental and predator issues with our chickens that the folks on the NorCal and BayArea threads may be less familiar with.

So if you want, say hi and let us know where ya live! We live in Somerset/Fair Play and raise a variety of chickens, both large fowl and bantam breeds.

So who are you, where you at, and what are YOU raising?
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I'm new to the world of chickens, but this website has me so excited I've jumped right in with both feet. Thanks HHandbasket for starting this thread
Will be great to get to know some locals who can share their wisdom
I'm in Sonora.

Ok, here's what I'm working on: I have ordered a Genesis Egg Incubator 1588 & Turner Chicken on eBay, and ordered 6 Partridge Brahma eggs from lorad in IL. I know, very risky, but lorad has been a joy to work with. I hope the incubator gets here a day or so before the eggs, so I can tune it in. Also, I have day old chicks on order at some of the local feed stores: 2 buff orpingtons, 2 Black Jersey Giants, 2 New Hampshire Reds and 2 Lt Brahmas. They should all arrive by May 19th. I have the brooder set up, and my DH is working on a large chicken coop, which should be beautiful *when* he gets it done. I have sectioned off a large portion of my fenced back yard for free ranging in my garden.

I went to the livestock auction in Escalon last Friday and was kind of disappointed! Lots of roosters, but not many chicks - or maybe I just arrived to late? Are there any other livestock auction up here or in the Central Valley that are worth the drive? I'm really looking for Cochin chicks or eggs, does anyone have any to sell?

Well, HH, you know I'm gonna be hanging out here.... Although my flock and I won't be up in Gold Country for a month or so.

For the others joining this thread, I'm moving to Somerset to a little house on two-thirds of an acre, and bringing my rather large and varied flock of all sort of chickens with me. Oh, and a few Cayuga and Call ducks.
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Im joining this thread too, and youre right about the preds, nothing like hearing your neighbors lambs were taken by a lion over the 6' fence...not to mention owls, hawks, eagles, possum, raccoons, fox, and who knows what else?

I have a mess of silkies that are a new project, looking for solid blacks esp, or anything in SQ/BQ in standard colors, and assorted LF for laying. Plus some Coronation Sussex, eggs in the incubator!

Im a little west of Sonora, glad to have these new threads to chat on!
Do you all mind if I elbow my way the Sierra foothills but the NV side of things.
Mountain lions, coyotes and ravens are our main predators.

We are off of Red Rock Road - but closer to the CA side of the road than the Reno side of the road
About 4900/5000 foot level, on 11 acres with plenty of fowl, dogs, horses and parrots.

We currently have............Silver Laced Bantam Cochin, Mille Fleur Bantam Cochin and turkey eggs in the bator..........3 SL cochins setting on eggs, 2 SL cochins raising chicks, 1 bantam mutt raising chicks, a LG cochin hatching chicks today and two other large fowl setting on eggs, plus a duck who is going broody *head a spinnin'*

discoveregg what type of Cochins are you looking for?

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discoveregg what type of Cochins are you looking for?

Hello HorseFeatherz NV:

I was browsing through a Poultry Magazine and stumbled upon an article with beautiful pictures of standard Cochins
One was blue, she really caught my eye. But I'm open to other colors as well. I looked at the BYC Breeds thread and the Buff and Red are pretty too. Bantams are too small for my flock. Will you have some standards available soon? I'm not familiar with what "LG" means in your post, forgive my ignorance

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Hi everyone!

I'm in Pilot Hill, just off Hwy 49, between Auburn and Placerville.

I'm down to just 4 laying girls, 2 BCM, 1 Welsummer and 1 Easter Egger. I've also got 10 asst chicks, between 6-8 weeks old.

My biggest project this year is going to be a garden, with a chicken run along the side of it. I currently have the 4 big girls in a tractor, but once my yard gets landscaped, they won't be freeranging around it anymore!

I'll keep my eye on this thread to see what everyone is up to!
Hello Again All,

Could use some advice. As you know, I'm new at this and trying to find my way
. My question is: what are your goals for raising chickens AND how do you keep your flock size small??

kfchickenlady, you've stated that you "have a mess of silkies that are a new project, looking for solid blacks esp" By "project", do you mean that you are working to improve your flock to be as close to the standard for silkies as possible? Are you culling? Do you keep seperate pens/coop for your Silkies by color, and your LF layers seperate as well? BTW I love
Coronation Sussex. What beautiful birds. What is your reason for purchasing these eggs?

The rest of you sound like you have a little bit of everything - a varied flock. Is this for egg production? How difficult is it to sell the extra eggs. or do you give them away to family and friends, and/or donate to local food pantries? I really like that idea
. Or do you just keep your chickens around for entertainment?

How do you all deal with predators in the foothills and the Sierras?

Ok, I've bombarded you all with enough questions, hope I get a lot of responses from everyone. You ALL have more experience than I do!


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