SIGN UPS: "Blocks of Hope" Granny Square Swap (Cancer Awareness)

Well I hate to, but I think I'm going to have to drop out. I can't manage to sit up long enough to accomplish anything, including my house work. My pain had just gotten TOO bad. My surgery had to be put off until the 23rd due to an infection, so I will not be functional before the end of the month, or longer. I'm so sorry!
I hope I haven't messed anything up for anyone!

Just focus on getting better! :) Prayers coming your way.
Well I hate to, but I think I'm going to have to drop out. I can't manage to sit up long enough to accomplish anything, including my house work. My pain had just gotten TOO bad. My surgery had to be put off until the 23rd due to an infection, so I will not be functional before the end of the month, or longer. I'm so sorry!
I hope I haven't messed anything up for anyone!

It's okay, just worry about getting better. there's always next time!

just wanted to add the revised list for everyone, the square count is now 8.
FINAL Swapper List:
#1 Bleenie - Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
#2 Kassaundra - Multiple Myeloma
#3 savnnah07 - Melanoma
#4 acemario - brain cancer
#5 rancher hicks
#6 Mykel (acemario family) - Breast Cancer
#7 rancher hicks (friend)
#8 Sally8 - Hodgkins Lymphoma

for anyone that might be done early you can go ahead and send your set whenever you want. good thing about a small swap is shipping won't cost much!!
This has been a nightmare find the colors. I looked at Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Jo Ann's and today Michael's. I finally went to the paint department and found a tube of violet paint. I went back to the yarn's and found an exact match. I got my first square done in just a few hours. Now to find the border. I had asked the employee what color orchid was and he thought pink. I didn't have the exact color number so I didn't get anything. Nothing they had said orchid though. It's been a lot of fun crocheting again. Hopefully my hands still work in the morning. I didn't really follow one of the patterns listed ( unless it was the one to pm for directions). Since no one else has posted pictures, I'm almost afraid to post mine.
(This one isn't quite done)
Sally, the color is available online but if you're not able to order it then, i dont think the others will have much of a problem with it and I am fine with it... you can either substitute with a similar color that you can find. I want to apologize to everyone, I didn't think it was going to be such a chore to find the orchid color, all the stores around me still have it on the shelves :/
This has been a nightmare find the colors. I looked at Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Jo Ann's and today Michael's. I finally went to the paint department and found a tube of violet paint. I went back to the yarn's and found an exact match. I got my first square done in just a few hours. Now to find the border. I had asked the employee what color orchid was and he thought pink. I didn't have the exact color number so I didn't get anything. Nothing they had said orchid though. It's been a lot of fun crocheting again. Hopefully my hands still work in the morning. I didn't really follow one of the patterns listed ( unless it was the one to pm for directions). Since no one else has posted pictures, I'm almost afraid to post mine.
(This one isn't quite done)

Like the raised stitch ribbon, and the stong horizontal lines.

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