Signs of Age


7 Years
Jun 5, 2012
Manitoba, Canada
This isn't about gender or breed, but I couldn't figure out where else to ask this. I purchased my first three chickens at a local poultry auction put on by the provincial club; they are Red Jungle Fowl and healthy birds, but I have no idea how old they are or how to tell. Is there some method I could use to help determine their age, or even just give me a rough idea? They look to be at least laying age, as their feathers are all mature, and their combs are well-formed, the male's being quite large.
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I know absolutely nothing about red jungle fowl, but with the avg laying hen you can usually tell by the amount of color in the legs and skin. The more eggs she's laid, the more color she looses. A young pullet will have a lot of pigment in the legs, but a three year old hen will have very pale legs. Hope this helps.
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If eggs get larger as they age, if the eggs are the appropriate size for the breed, then that might give you a range. But the only thing to be certain of would be to breed them asap then you'll know the age of their kids at least.

they dont seem as red in the face and comb as i would think a laying hen should be as mine are way redder than that :-/ have they laid at all? i would guess at least 1
How often are they laying? Are they large eggs, or really tiny? Are the eggs a really nice shape, or are they more oblong (torpedo) shaped? Are the shells more on the thin side?
Also, how long are the rooster's spurs? If he's older, he'll have really long spurs (I'm assuming since his previous owners didn't bother to dub him, they wouldn't bother with any other mods)
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I discovered the box I brought them home in from the auction, and they are from a 2012 hatch, thus would be no more than 6 or so months old. They started laying mid June and the eggs are a nice shape, creamy colour, and a nice size. But thanks for all your help; thus far the hens are not proving to be broody at all, nor daily layers, but that's quite alright. I still quite adore them.

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