Signs of life


13 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Mid-Coast Maine
When candling early on(day 4), do you ever see veins near air sac but no apparent embryo? As if the embryo is located centrally in the egg and not near the side where it would be visible? I clearly see some blood veins.
This is my first year incubating(well technically second, but last year was an epic failure with absolutely no development). We have an old incubator where the eggs lie in their sides and we have to manually turn them, and a newer model where with an automatic turner that holds the eggs upright. In the auto turner eggs it was much more difficult to see the development early on due to many of them looking exactly as you described, some small veins but the classic spider look was not visible. At about day 6 or 7 the embryo became much more obvious and I even found some I thought to be dead were in fact developing. Good luck on your eggs! (Tonight is lock down for my first batch in the old incubator!):fl
When candling early on(day 4), do you ever see veins near air sac but no apparent embryo? As if the embryo is located centrally in the egg and not near the side where it would be visible? I clearly see some blood veins.
Very likely the case... yes!

But... :oops:

I have also had a few that start to develop, then die early on, leaving just a few little veins towards the top.

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