Silkie Advice


7 Years
Mar 19, 2013
Upstate NY
We have a flock made up of 7 standard hens who are older, 7 Old English game bantams who are about 4 months old, and one little Silkie rooster (we think) who was raised with the OEGs. Now Tater, our silkie, doesn't get picked on too much, and is doing pretty well, except when it's time to go into the coup. That little bird just does not want to go into the coop! Instead he follows us around, crawls in our lap, and tries to snuggle. I'm thinking that the reason he doesn't want to go in with his flock is that he ends up spending the whole night alone on the floor of the coop, while the other birds can all sleep up in their perches. We are worried that when winter comes he'll get too cold on the floor, despite the heater, and I for one hate him being so lonely at night while everyone else has a buddy to snuggle with and groom before going to bed.

So, I was wondering if it'd be a good idea to get a silkie hen to be his companion, so that our poor little Tater doesn't have to be alone on the floor of the coop when it starts getting cold outside. To put it simply, is this a good idea?

We just lost one of our older hens (Apples) and also got rid of two OEG roosters, so we do have the room to get an extra little silkie hen..should we?

Abron and Family

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