Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

I've got a bit of a dilemma....Both of my splash silkies turned out to be cockerels. I've got one with superb coloring, wings, etc.. I can't say enough good things about him, but his eyes are lighter than I would like. My other little man, his coloring and wings could be better, but he has dark eyes. Are these "lighter"eyes a deal breaker or can I work around them? I don't plan on showing him, but using his as a breeder. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I've got a bit of a dilemma....Both of my splash silkies turned out to be cockerels. I've got one with superb coloring, wings, etc.. I can't say enough good things about him, but his eyes are lighter than I would like. My other little man, his coloring and wings could be better, but he has dark eyes. Are these "lighter"eyes a deal breaker or can I work around them? I don't plan on showing him, but using his as a breeder. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

In the grand scheme of things I'd be going with the bird with the nice color and good wings. Eyes should be black, but anything dark is reasonable in my opinion. The only exception would be the pigment holes that show up in the eyes of birds with paint genetics, where you might have gold splotches to the eye. Although even then the goal should be to get away from that. Still...wings and plumage color are much more significant in my opinion than just eyes.
They are both nice birds, I certainly don't want to discredit them. :) I have seen that ligher colored eyes can just show up in a chick with dark eyed parents. I also have one white pullet that was born with light eyes, they have since darken.

After seeing all you guys' fluffy amazing silkies I'm embarrassed to post mine :( But alas, it'll be a good learning experience. They are all about 6 months old and the hens just started laying. (Don't worry, I've been eating the eggs, not hatching!)

My black hen. Way too many hard feathers but her earlobes are good! I think she has a cute little body.

My white? hen. Her head fuzz (you can tell I'm new...head fuzz?) is too small. Her toe nails are white. I can see she's a chicken! All of yours look like a giant fluff ball and can't tell if there is a chicken in there!

And my rooster. I like his comb- I've seen some at fairs where it looks like a giant tumor on their face.
They all have 5 toes and blue earlobes though! I've been looking on ebay for hatching eggs. I think I'm going to sell these guys eventually. Obviously they aren't breeding quality.
Please be gentle! I know they aren't as beautiful as you guys' but they were my first silkies that I got on cragslist. Live and learn right? They may be silkie abominations but they are MY abominations!

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