Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

I don't candle until lockdown (day 19) generally. Got into that habit mainly because I can't see into the Marans or Ameraucanas accurately enough to make any decisions so there is no point. The only hatching information I keep track of is whether or not I helped. I have good hatches and bad hatches. The bad hatches usually make sense - shipped eggs, pullet eggs, not fertile. That stuff usually sorts itself out pretty quickly.
No one tracks any kind of incubation or hatching information?
I do.....I usually will track daily of temp/humd.....for my reference on shipped eggs. It helps me understand if there was a factor on my end if a shipped set do not hatch or have defects on chicks.My bator is pretty right on temp/humdity wise....but in the summer when it was really HOT.There were a few days I can look back on my notes to understand what may have added to harder to hatch chicks.
Thanks very much for sharing. Every bit of info helps!

I candle at Day 5, 10, 15, and then right before lockdown.  I check for movement, but that's about it.  You can definitely tell if an egg is lighter than the others, but I have had it go either way, sometimes they hatch....sometimes not.

I don't candle until lockdown (day 19) generally. Got into that habit mainly because I can't see into the Marans or Ameraucanas accurately enough to make any decisions so there is no point. The only hatching information I keep track of is whether or not I helped. I have good hatches and bad hatches. The bad hatches usually make sense - shipped eggs, pullet eggs, not fertile. That stuff usually sorts itself out pretty quickly.

I do.....I usually will track daily of temp/humd.....for my reference on shipped eggs. It helps me understand if there was a factor on my end if a shipped set do not hatch or have defects on chicks.My bator is pretty right on temp/humdity wise....but in the summer when it was really HOT.There were  a few days I can look back on my notes to understand what may have added to harder to hatch chicks. 
I hatched 2 of the most beautiful silver chipmunk chicks last Friday....but they where so tiny the other chicks must have trampled them and they died...BIG lesson learned. I have more eggs from that pair in the incubator..hope they look the same. I am curious what they would have turned out to be. Wish I could figure out how to get pics off my phone!
Hoping I will get to make it to the Newnan show. My friend got very sick and will probably be having surgery so it is not safe for her to go. Hope DH can pull off getting Sat so he can take me!
I am going to choose who goes to the show in case I get to go...need some feedback on these anyway for breeding. Here is my little Lilac, 6 mo pullet She still needs a good bath.

I hatched 2 of the most beautiful silver chipmunk chicks last Friday....but they where so tiny the other chicks must have trampled them and they died...BIG lesson learned. I have more eggs from that pair in the incubator..hope they look the same. I am curious what they would have turned out to be. Wish I could figure out how to get pics off my phone!
Hoping I will get to make it to the Newnan show. My friend got very sick and will probably be having surgery so it is not safe for her to go. Hope DH can pull off getting Sat so he can take me!
Oh I DID take pics of the silver chipmunk chick..not quite completely dried.

I am going to choose who goes to the show in case I get to go...need some feedback on these anyway for breeding. Here is my little Lilac, 6 mo pullet She still needs a good bath.

Get pictures on a flat surface, then we can see how she carries herself. Preferably get pictures of her free ranging normally. Also, when you go to the show, call her self blue or lavender. I think that is what you meant, there is no lilac

Oh I DID take pics of the silver chipmunk chick..not quite completely dried.

could be a blue cream (porcelain)

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