Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Turtle.....congrats on the the new birds. I am a BIG fan of Marge Best. I am sure if you have any questions about what to expect, she can answer them. That lady know SO much about silkies.I could spend hours listening to her
Enjoy your birds from Karen & Marge....I know I do.

I have had MB's birds since Nov. Started with 6 and down to 2(4 deaths). I am excited to get Karen's birds now.
My original Silky hen will be 2 the first of April. How long can I expect eggs/Broodyness from her? She was Broody 3 times last yr and once already this yr.
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I don't like them either! Nasty, smelly things. They bite too. I don't mind them outside, but when they're EVERYWHERE, in the house, car and flying all over you they become a terrible nuisance.
We get invaded with them for about a week in fall, my whole screened porch gets covered and we have to use the back door to get in or they fly in the house.
I have a question for the folks that show their birds, I have a pair of pullets ( I know one is, I think the other is too) that I would like to show once they reach the correct age. They are three months old right now. I was wondering if a 4 hour road trip would be okay on them. I wanted to share what they were with my family since they haven't been able to experience my birds first hand, they have only seen photos posted on Facebook and sent via text messages. I know that I need to have my family wash their hands before and after handling them, for the birds and their health, also, there are no other chickens where we are going so I don't have to worry about that, are there any other precautions I should be taking with them?
I have a question for the folks that show their birds, I have a pair of pullets ( I know one is, I think the other is too) that I would like to show once they reach the correct age. They are three months old right now. I was wondering if a 4 hour road trip would be okay on them. I wanted to share what they were with my family since they haven't been able to experience my birds first hand, they have only seen photos posted on Facebook and sent via text messages. I know that I need to have my family wash their hands before and after handling them, for the birds and their health, also, there are no other chickens where we are going so I don't have to worry about that, are there any other precautions I should be taking with them?

Long road trips are fine but they need a very cool vehicle with lots of air flow. It would also be good experience for them if you end up showing.
Ladybugs to not bite. There is a different bug with a similar appearance that does, and also swarms, but they are not ladybugs.
It is still part of the Lady beetle family:
There are a few different species of ladybug

They're great if you have gardens, but not if they just decide to invade your house...
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Ladybugs to not bite.  There is a different bug with a similar appearance that does, and also swarms, but they are not ladybugs.

The Asian ladybug is still a type of lady bug or lady beetle. That is what we have here, they do have a variance in color (ours are mostly orange) and a lot of white on their faces, and do indeed nip you and emit an awful smelling liquid when touched. They breed on our large layer coop, in the summer we can see hundeds of the strange looking larvae (they have spiked projections on their back) crawling around the walls. The chickens won't touch them, sadly.

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