Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

He's 6. I can't remember what website I was on, but they considered juniors 8 and up for showmanship. I'll definitely check into it more!
Oh..well I know absolutely nothing about showmanship!
All I know is that I saw a cute little red headed girl showing her OEGB. I spoke with her father and he said she was only 4. The funny thing is that the father's grand parents came from Finland. I was born in Finland. What a small world!

Thank you, Sanna! Hope you enjoyed the Little Rhody show...
I did, it was lots of fun. Learned new things and met new people. Again!
could you guys help me out to tell if my chick is a pure bred silkie or not .. i will get a pic in a sec but i will tell you how it looks now and get a pic in a few mins .. it is pure black but its tummy has a little bit of yellow on it .. it has the bump on its head with feathered feet and black skin my friend said she thinks its pure but the feathering on the legs doesn't have a lot around the toes .. i will just post a pic it will be a lot more easier then trying to explain it
could you guys help me out to tell if my chick is a pure bred silkie or not .. i will get a pic in a sec but i will tell you how it looks now and get a pic in a few mins .. it is pure black but its tummy has a little bit of yellow on it .. it has the bump on its head with feathered feet and black skin my friend said she thinks its pure but the feathering on the legs doesn't have a lot around the toes .. i will just post a pic it will be a lot more easier then trying to explain it
does it have 5 toes on each foot? Could be pure, but where did you get it? Feed store and hatchery birds are only "pet" quality and most likely will not be as fluffy as breeder quality silkies. But could still be a pure silkie none the less.
oh ya it has 5 toes and its from my eggs but i use to free range my 2 silkies with my flock the silkies have is black hen and silver partridge rooster .. heres the 3 pics i got of her
2 body shots and then foot shot so ya 5 toes feathered legs bearded black skin color is black and then the bump on the head
oh ya it has 5 toes and its from my eggs but i use to free range my 2 silkies with my flock the silkies have is black hen and silver partridge rooster .. heres the 3 pics i got of her
2 body shots and then foot shot so ya 5 toes feathered legs bearded black skin color is black and then the bump on the head
I see 5 toes on the right foot, but are there 5 on the left? I can only see 4
Looks like a pure blue silkie to me though
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yes theres 5 on both its just the angle i was on .. so a blue chick .. i didn't think i could get a blue from my black and silver partridge .. does anyone know what i can make from a black hen and a silver partridge ?? oh and they also both carry the partridge gene just the normal partridge color
Those are intended for fur. I just read the reviews, and it seems they do not recommend any of the pet sunscreens? I already have a conditioner, but I was wondering if a suncreen would help keep him white rather than his feathers turning yellow from burning. So should I use a baby sunscreen as recommended by that link? or stick with one of the better judged pet sunscreens?
My whites have almost constant access to sunlight their entire lives, I haven't noticed any yellowing, and I definitely don't use any product on them. I know blacks can look bleached, but I haven't seen it happen with my whites.
We almost lost one of the chicks my two broodies were sitting on, we moved them out from the main coop and I saw this one shrink wrapped, held it for a few minutes it didn't look like it was breathing or making any noise so I thought we lost it. Went out to check them yesterday afternoon and kept hearing a peeping coming from the toss out bucket. The little guy survived the night and was peeping up a storm when I got home from work. I snatched him up put him in the sink with the hot water running (not on him just for heat and humidity) unraveled him and placed him in a wad of horse leg wrap with warm water and a hair dryer. Decided that the best place was back under the broodie. went out a few hours later and he was fluffed up and chilling with the 10 other chicks.

I was so happy to see that.
Doen't it really feel good when we can save a chick or even a full grown chicken from the different problems they face!!
Please give me an opinion on this chick. If it is going to have some silver I would like to keep those who do..otherwise I want to send the regular partridge on. In the past I had always been able to count on some good feedback here. I don't post a lot but read daily. This little partridge looks a lot like silver and only has the one light brown streak down it's back. I like it's fluffy head hoping that it will have a nice crest. These pics are around 2 days old. I do appreciate it. I am hoping for a silver partridge. I want to start breeding greys so..maybe this little guy may be a help.


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