Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

I would guess maybe calico but he still has feather growing to do. I bet he turns out beautiful though.
But lets not forget, calico is not a variety but rather a silkie "mutt". They may be very pretty, but they do not breed true and are usually just leaky birds.
What would I get crossing a black silkie hen with a mottled java roo

A white silkie hen with a speckled Sussex roo

Or a blue silkie hen with a lemon cuckoo orpington
Thanks for helping. Lost in genetics
This was your initial question correct? This is not an appropriate question for this thread, that simple. The answer you got from delisha was correct. You would get nothing but crossbred birds, which is not what this thread is about.

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It can be bred out if you never use a bird showing brass, or by doing white to colored breedings. If you get a white from breeding 2 colored birds, it is generally a recessive white ,that will sty white.I got very good recessive whites from my Buff breedings.
Okay Vickie help me out on this...if you breed a white to a buff, then breed that offspring back to white, wouldn't you get the gold and therefore potential brassiness if said buff was gold based? Or are buffs not gold based?
I will stay on the cross breed site. My mistake. I love the silkies I was just looking to make them larger sorry if I offended anyone
Okay Vickie help me out on this...if you breed a white to a buff, then breed that offspring back to white, wouldn't you get the gold and therefore potential brassiness if said buff was gold based? Or are buffs not gold based?
I used a white cock bird showing a brassy hackle, from Bob Cook to make my buffs. He was the ONLY sire used for 5 generations. I got better and better Buffs. When those buffs were bred together we got a lot of recessive whites.I think Buff Silkies must be gold based, but Buff Orps are Wheaten based. Ask Sonoran the hard questions ! I just muddle along.
I just bought a beautiful Pair of Silkies and my little Hen layed today her second egg. I am so impatient to see what chicks I get. 21 days can be SOOO Long


My little Silkie chicks having a chat.

Too Cute!!!!
I used a white cock bird showing a brassy hackle, from Bob Cook to make my buffs. He was the ONLY sire used for 5 generations. I got better and better Buffs. When those buffs were bred together we got a lot of recessive whites.I think Buff Silkies must be gold based, but Buff Orps are Wheaten based. Ask Sonoran the hard questions ! I just muddle along.
I think my wording was whacky, ah well. Yes, always muddling here too.
Buff has a gold ground. I honestly cannot say why some birds sunburn and others do not. I have birds with silver ground that sunburn. Certainly making sure they do not eat foods that enhance gold helps, and keeping them out of the sun helps, but some birds will sunburn in almost any light, and others don't.
Thanks. So you think the silver gene in a white doesn't necessarily have anything to do with whether or not they brass out? This is confusing! My white cock is silver based (if that is proper terminology) and even has some silver leakage and he has no brassing. But the white hen that my silver gened chicks came from has brassy hackles right now.

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