Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Time will tell :)

I have noticed that good blacks are VERY hard to find. I believe you could also breed them to blue for blue paints as well. The blue should still work the same and dilute the black (or not, since you can get blue, black and splash while breeding blues depending on what color the parents are). They're also much easier to find than blacks. There is a thread specifically for Paint Silkies, a quick search should turn it up :)

Oh okay, thanks, I'll look it up. The breeder I go to sells blues but his got eaten by a fox so he won't have any until next year, so he only has blacks and whites. We bought the two babies intending to breed but might find a rooster so we can do it this year instead of waiting for them to grow out. I wanted more paints so was trying to figure out the best color combinations and black seemed to be what I've seen most suggested.
I'd have black juveniles available right now all the way from 1 week to almost 3 months old.  However I live in MN and temps have been getting into the double digits BELOW 0 so way to cold to ship anything.

I'll keep you mind then.


Critique? I know the Roos comb is wrong and too red, I also think the hen could have better feather quality and a larger tail cushion and shorter back. What am I missing? ( I think they're also both a bit on the large side but I haven't a scale to be sure.)
Arcnova, Your roo looks like it may have been cross bred with a Serama. I'm guessing that due to the vertical wings, too many hard tail feathers and of course the single comb. Pretty, but not show quality if that is what you are looking for. Great for pets though :)
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Ah, that would explain some of the faults in his sibs. Nah, not looking to show. I'm using him to improve a non silkie project and wondering how he stacks up and where his genetics might me from. Thanks for the insight. :)
I need help its my 1st broody hen . It's 3 days away until they hatch . Can anyone give me tips on if wow to check if they are good , or just any tips in general !!! PLEASE HELP ME !!
I need help its my 1st broody hen . It's 3 days away until they hatch . Can anyone give me tips on if wow to check if they are good , or just any tips in general !!! PLEASE HELP ME !!

The best advice I can give is to just leave everything alone. Don't meddle, your hen has a job to do and you need to leave her to do it. Make sure theres easy access to food and water for the little ones and then sit on your hands.

Best of luck!
I need help its my 1st broody hen . It's 3 days away until they hatch . Can anyone give me tips on if wow to check if they are good , or just any tips in general !!! PLEASE HELP ME !!

If you can put some sort of cage around her without stressing her, that would be helpful for when the chicks hatch. You don't want other birds getting to the chicks - they may not be so nice as mom. Make sure she has food and water very close to her so she doesn't have to move far (otherwise she may not eat at all).

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