Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

I have hers as well and yes ...P stands for partridge and Pa stands for paint...So I think you have them around the wrong way...
Yes I had them mixed up, but they were marked PA not P. Regardless the question was about whether breeding partridge from paint would provide predictable offspring. Sonoran gave some helpful input.
First is not partridge. Partridge has gold ground colouring, and your first girl is silver. Second is indeed partridge. First MIGHT work for paint breeding--the silver gene should make whiter paints. However, either will work quite well in breeding with like-coloured birds: grey and partridge, respectively.
I thought the first one was considered a silver partridge? I really like the coloring on that one, that black head is very striking
So sorry about the loss of your pet splashes...we lost a little buff roo today he wasnt well and just passed sad....i dont turn my silkies out just to scared as we have all kinds of raptors around including bald they get to exercise in the barn...i have never heard of Marecks being passed at a show but i guess anything is possible...I have had birds come down with minor respiratory stuff from shows especially if the show is too warm for them as they get too have to be careful what you use to vaccinate your flock with...Marecks is safe and there is a new LTI vaccination which doesnt create carriers but you should always give your birds 6 weeks or more before you show them to let the vaccination reaction is done....i think the fowl pox vaccine might be safe too,,,,
So sorry about your boy...
No I don't have any Oleander but we have lavender, hibiscus, bird of paradises and trumpet trees (which I heard are poisonous, but I don't think he ate any that day because he wasn't on that side of the yard).
I don't know anything about these plants. Glad you don't have oleander. :)
I have a few silkies and was wondering if they are ok breeding birds for show

^ 8 month old partridge Roo (i think, I dont know the exact color)

^5 Month old Partridge Roo

^ 5 month old bearded silkie roo
You can search online for "Silkie ABA standard and compare your birds to the Standard Of Perfection.

A quick review of basic standards "not all inclusive, so read the standard yourself"

5 toes
Dark brown to black eyes.
Rose Comb
Color is pure or matches the standard
wings not drooping
Feet feathering extends to the middle toe
No red in the comb. It should be dark mulberry color

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