Silkie Chick Care... too young to bathe?

Ok peeps (pun intended), I have ventured into Silkie territory and this is my first cochin breed. I have read multiple sites but only one addressed actual chicks. The owner stated that every night she washed her chicks legs. Now I see why! Holy Moly I want to wash their legs so bad it's making me crazy! is it too early? I've never bathed a chick or chicken before and although I now know from reading, all about the dawn, the vinegar/water rinse, etc... I'm afraid they will catch a chill or I will blow them across the room with the blow dryer (LOL). Granted these guys are probably a good bit smaller than the rest of my flock at the same age but I THINK I have two that are a few days old and two that are a week or so? We have Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons,Australorps, Delewares, and one Golden Comet..... As you can see... never had any need for washin' legs, lol. 
it won't hurt them to have their feet and leg feathers look a bit dingy, but it is probably unnecessary to wash them this early. If there's poo in the feathering, just wash that portion and blow them dry on low so they don't catch a chill. I use liquid Ivory body wash on mine, but for the spot washing I don't worry about doing the vinegar rinse.
Is there a special shampoo to wash them or any is ok?
I've used many things to wash mine with and I've found liquid Ivory body wash makes them feel nicer than any other- without doing a vinegar rinse. Please exercise caution while bathing to keep them as warm as possible and blow dry on low quickly so they don't catch a chill.
You don't leave anything on them for any length of time- they will get cold!!!!! Wash quickly, then for the "final rinse" have a bucket of warm vinegar water for dipping them into. Traditionally you would have a couple of buckets full of warm water- one for wash and one for rinse, then one of the vinegar water. I have found that my silkies don't get relaxed when I soak them in their "hot tub", but instead they flail and get stressed. My Old English Game do act relaxed and sedated when they're bath water, so I'm not sure if it'll work to soak your's or not. Either way, keep them from getting cold and over stressed. Oh, and I also have found that the silkies make the biggest splashing mess, so have plenty of towels on hand! After the bath, make a "chicken burrito" (roll them pretty tight in a towel) for a bit- I have a tiny space heater close to them so they don't get cold. After about 10 minutes, blow dry them on the lowest heat setting so they get dry quickly. I've found that this is the most amusing part- watching them go from drowned rat to puff ball in a matter of minutes. One last note, be very careful trying to get their head clean- easiest to get clean by using a wet washcloth and not trying to get their head soaking wet. Good luck!!

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