Silkie cockerel crowing question?


Oval Office Courier
10 Years
Oct 6, 2009
S.W Pennsylvania
I've rehomed many cockerels while they were just chicks,
but I have two we looove, and we cann't bear to part with them if possible.
They're approaching 20 weeks and their crows are perfect now.

They were raised inside my basement during the cold winter weather and now are out in their run or free range dawn to dusk.
Every morning they sing bit for less than a half hour. They're in their home territory in the basement run.
Then they go out to the run with the girls & chicks.
In the afternoon they free range a bit in the woods with us. often.
At night, everyone is carried in milk crates back to the basement to sleep.
But the girls have a new coop now.

Question is,
If I keep taking the roos to the basement run to sleep (like always) while cooping the girls in their new outdoor hen house,
and possibly giving two hens overnights with them on weekends,
will the roosters --possibly--anyone's experience-- not crow in the run, but only in their basement territory where they eat dinner & sleep?
Or will they crow just everywhere, all day, sooner or later?
These are some of the most non-aggressive, non-overtly-masculine cockerels I've raised. They're good to each other & gentle to the hens.

Does anyone have experience with this working, sleeping inside the house/garage & only crowing there?
There are neighbors who wouldn't approve at all, of course, :-o! or I wouldn't be asking .
My oe little boy used to crow all the live long day...but now that he's almost a yr. old he's settled down's been several months now and he only crows in the morning(most times). Time will tell.
I have an 8 month old Black Silkie roo right now who only crows in the morning and only for about 15 minutes. He lives in the garage all night and until late morning (10-11am) and then goes out with the girls all day. He has not once crowed during the day outside or at night when I bring him in. I think it is an individual rooster thing. I had another silkie rooster last year who crowed every 20 minutes, all day long! My Black roo will continue to live in the garage overnight and go out with the girls during the day. He doesn't seem to need any "female" company at all.

Good luck!
I've got a little silkie roo that crows, but not ALL the time. I will let him outside with the girls, and just keep an ear out for him. Most of the time, I don't have a problem with his crowing. When I do, we'll go out and hush him up, LOL!! He's not to bad, thank goodness!
Good luck with your guy.
Thanks, everybody who answered. I think I will keep my sweet little guys then. They're mellow & they never face off or chase anyone... so far.
We also will coop them in the garage until after 8 am, just to make sure

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