Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

Congrats Kathy!

for batch #2.
This hatch is about finished. Not as good as last weekend, but still successful I feel. I have 7 fully hatched and 1 more is zipping. One or two (I think 2) are the originals and the others are the next generation. I did not help any of them hatch.

I started with 12 eggs. 2 bloodrings, 1 early quitter, 1 later quitter. Considering the incredible heat wave we have had this past month, I am surprised I got this many shipped eggs to hatch out. Pictures tomorrow.
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Hmmmm, Missouri....I'm pretty sure I must have some long lost relative in Missouri...right? Now if I could only convince DH of that, I'd be in the car this afternoon to come "relieve" you of those precious little ones!
Hello, I'm in Iowa, so probably within driving distance of you. I've been following this thread for quite a while waiting for the opportunity to join this project. I was planning to get eggs in the spring, but chicks would OK. How many were you thinking of sharing out?
Hello, I'm in Iowa, so probably within driving distance of you. I've been following this thread for quite a while waiting for the opportunity to join this project. I was planning to get eggs in the spring, but chicks would OK. How many were you thinking of sharing out?

What part of Iowa? My husband drives through Iowa twice a month, to go to work in Wyoming and Nebraska. We have family in SW Iowa, where we are from. If you are interested in some of these chicks, send me a PM.

Here are some updated pictures of my recent hatch. Surprisingly, 3 of the originals hatched without help.




The very first chick that hatched....






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