Silkie housing


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 30, 2012
I have 5 silkies that are nearing one month of age. Ive been told that they do not roost and need a secure dry area. Are there any other things to consider when housing silkies? Im thinking I would like to build them something small similar to a chicken tractor. Any tips or ideas you have to share with me are greatly appreciated.
i am buidling a silkie coop right now also.on this they need is a covered run. so they are out of extreme heat and direct run. they need a dry run not muddy or anything that is why i am building a raised coop. with the run built under the coop.and no usually silkies do not roost mine used to sleep in the nesting boes at night so i would just make sure they had clean bedding every other day.
the lady who gave them to me said hers don't typically climb walkways into a raised coop. how high off the ground should my coop be if this is true?
I think most birds you can train to use a ramp they just have to get used to it. If they don't really like climbing though you probably want to be sure not to have a steep incline on the ramp but make it a gentler grade.

The coop I am currently building will be for my broody bantams and will house some silkies. I am building it 2' off the ground so there will be a nice sheltered area underneath they can hang out in if they want. I plan to make the ramp pretty long so that it makes a nice gentle grade for them to go up.
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i , too , am planning owning silkies and trying to figure out a coop. I have been told and have read that they dont perch and like to sleep together ... in a huddle...
I don't have any silkies yet. I ordered a mixed bag of feather foot bantams hoping to get some of each kind but the only two silkies in the mix were doa.
I will be ordering a handful of the assorted silkies once I get the coop finished and the babies I'm brooding now moved out into it. My broody coop (the one I am working on now) is going to be 8'x10' and I'll be keeping a total of probably no more than 6-8 bantam hens in it. But I wanted plenty of extra space for them to brood small batches of chicks in there as well. The attached run will be 10' wide and as long as I can manage to make it with the materials I have available.
I was thinking about silkies too. I've heard they don't fly... is that true?
From what I have read they can't fly very well at all because of the structure of their feathers. With all that furry fluff they don't really have anything to catch air in.
This is just what I have read though, I don't yet have any personal experience with raising and keeping silkies.
Well if you have the Cochins you have some sweet birds. I am planning on both together . That's because I could not make up my mind.

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