Silkie-how do you tell male and female?

Wow, 16 weeks and crowing already?

I guess they all mature at different ages.

My roo is 18 weeks old and has not yet crowed although I heard a long "yell" come out of his mouth just once.

So far he just pretty much keeps to himself and wanders around as if he hasn't a care in the world.

Every now and then, when the urge strikes him, he'll do one of his mating attempts with the other two Silkies.

I really wish he would crow, so I can hear his voice.

(I have three other roosters of various breeds and they all sound so different.)

Yeah, I was hoping he wouldn't and that I would have all girls, but no

Thier voices are a bit raspy, probably cause they are just starting. It really is funny....he will start to crow....and then stop in mid crow!

sounds kinda like...

Crrrooooook eh rooooo!!!

Crrrooooook eh?

Crrrooooook eh?

Crrrooooook eh rooooo!!
Yeah, I have three Silkies that are 18 weeks old now.

About two weeks ago one of mine started developing this bubbly bulge on top of his nose.

I knew right away he was a roo. The other two remained the same with no bulge.

Just this past week, the roo has started to bite the other females in an attempt to mate. (Yeah, he's got a long way to go.) Baby Chicks/Silkies/weekendfun030.jpg

Here's one of my females. Comb not so "bubbly." Baby Chicks/Silkies/weekendfun006.jpg

Both are very pretty! I don't think your second chick looks like a male

My little silkie cockerel began crowing at about 14 weeks. I have a mature roo and had another little d'uccle cockerel who he may have learned from...

OP - other things to look for, since you have more than one: cankles (thick ankles/legs) - does anyone have noticeably thicker legs than others? streamers? the mating behaviors is a
My 4 silkies are almost 16 weeks old. I hatched them from eggs I got from Thistledown Farm in Davis, CA. I'm trying to figure out the gender of mine, as well. I have a cuckoo, a partridge, an isabel, and a white. I am almost 100% certain that the cuckoo is a cockerel. As far as the other 3, we have no idea just yet what they are. I hope we know pretty soon!

I stand out there and look at them and say, "Well, if you're gonna crow, then CROW ALREADY, darnit!" (Though I don't really say "darnit"; just trying to be family friendly. Hehehe.)
If it helps at all, here is Chuckie my 16-week old Rooster that just came out of the closet
all of a sudden he is very masculine looking, very square and boxy


And Tommy about 4 weeks ago
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I have 9 silkies and I think three of them are males. One for sure, he's bigger and his comb and wattles are turning mulberry color. Also all the feathers on his neck are getting thicker and longer then the others. His legs are much thicker then the other chickies, and his spur bumps are bigger then the others. Mine are 9 weeks old, and I've heard no crow attempts yet! They do sound more grown up though now.
I'll get some pics up of him in a few days, since I left my camera at my sil's >.<
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