Silkie lethargic, not eating, drinking okay, not moving around much

Thank you. I will bookmark this and keep for future reference. I really appreciate all the tips and help given.
I am extremely sorry for your loss. I am curious though..... How old was your hen? Did she even lay her very first egg? I ask because I once had a hen we found just lying awkwardly because she couldn't handle laying her egg. We knew when she was about to lay her eggs cause her tail feathers would be puffed up in the air bobbing. Every time she needed to lay her egg we gave her a little vegetable oil and soaked her in warm water. Sometimes she would lay her egg in the water while soaking her. At one point she couldn't even walk after laying her egg but with some help she recovered. Sadly one day she died in my arms trying to lay an egg. Her little heart just couldn't handle the struggle anymore. I miss her dearly. Actually she is the little black one in my avatar pic. The light brown one is very sick right now too. Illnesses are hard to diagnose in chickens because their is so much to learn about them and they don't seem to be priority in comparison to your average house pet.Again, sorry for your loss. You gave her your all!
Thank you. She was 4 weeks when I got her back in October so about 5-5.5 months. She hadn't laid any eggs yet. I checked her vent and underside and she had no signs of an egg or being egg bound. And it's tuff the rest of my birds are very healthy and happy. Hopefully no more losses. I hope your little ailing bird makes it. And I'm sorry for your loss as well. I try not to get too attached because of the uncertainty of preventing all illness but I can't help it and wind up upset over losing one.
I haven't had a chicken yet that I did not get attached too. They each have their own little personalities.I have one that greets you like a dog, one that pecks at your pant leg to be held, one that snugs in my armpit and stretches her head over my shoulder like she is giving a hug.One that comes running to me and looks up at me to put her in her nest(spoiled!). And it just goes on and on! In my introduction I mentioned that they are more then just chickens to me, they are our babies!! As devastating as it is to lose one you just got to look at it as if anything you provided a loving home for them. Some chickens don't get that opportunity. That you for the concern for my little Lilybug. I pray every night for her to have a full recovery including those I read about on BYC.

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