Silkie noises??

Well let's silkie roo crows whenever the urge strikes...sometimes he's on key, sometimes the 4th note is flat
, but it's alway 4 distinct notes.
He makes the bullfrog sound when he's irritated about something, and stands up as tall as he can while doing it. Both he and the pullet cluck when they find a tasty morsel. The better the treat, the louder the cluck.
The pullet purrs when she snuggles her baby or when she's petted at HER choice, otherwise she growls. They both make a funny squeek when we dare to touch their fluffy butts.
Silkies are a riot to are the rest of them, but silkies act like they've been abducted by aliens at times.
My 3 Silkies started “whistling”’s a low soothing sound but strange. They are still indoors, they are healthy, unafraid and well fed. It’s bedtime for them, there’s plenty of ambient light . It’s such a funny noise. Anybody else’s do that? They are only 2 months old.

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