silkie sexing

These are terrible pictures and I apologize- I'm keeping them in my basement right now because a coyote ate three of my outside chicks. I think the one on the left with the large comb is a rooster.

The other two might be pullets but I'm not sure if they are full silkies. I really think the one in the middle with the head scar above her eye (another chick pecked her) is female because she frequently dust bathes and my males typically don't do that. (She also has a comparably smaller comb)

The one on the right barely looks like a silkie. Is it a cross?

I think she is a cross, I was just coming on to ask this exact question. She has green feet! Just starting noticing the color of her legs the other day. Unmistakeable green legs. She's cute!
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Hi! I am so glad to have found this site. I may have to wait a little longer to get my answer, but thought I'd give it a try as I live in an area that only allows one crowing fowl on our land. Both chicks here are around 8 weeks old and I *feel* like I see streamers on both of them, however they are not quality silkies at ALL and their combs are both still so small and smooth, and they were picked on a little while adjust to our other bigger chicks (the same age, but from a different hatch) and the "streamer" feathers are right where they were picked at? I am just at a loss. It is our first time with silkies!

This little one is the smaller of the two, however it has deformed feet (not splayed, but looks like its toes were wet coming out of egg and not taken care of properly and either got frost bit or broke them or both. It gets around just fine and even fights off our bigger chicks for food now! We quarantined this little one-so I'm particularly attached to it!-tried taping the toes and everything, but we received them at a little over a week and I think the damage had already been done at that point, we're not using them for breeding so unless it starts showing pain we're happy with it!) and I'm not sure if the feet have added to its smaller size? (*Note, I have NEVER noticed red in this one's comb but it seems with the flash on there may be a little? Or maybe that's just a result of the flash? I'll try to get some daytime pics today!)

This is our white one. Still small for what I've seem of other silkie chicks, but again it came from poor breeding stock and wasn't very well taken care of before we purchased. Again, I feel like I'm seeing streamers, but no other behavior or indicators of a boy, although it's "poof" does look pretty swept back in these pics?

Hi everybody!

Sorry form my english, I write from Italy. Compliments fo the fantastic site! I found a lot of precious informations!

Recently I adopted two fantastic 4 months old Moroseta which live free in my small garden. The person who give it to me is sure the chickens are 2 females... Instead I have the doubt the white one is a roo... Can you help me please?? He has a small pale pink crest but is really smallest than the grey one (they are sisters).

Many thanks, Serena


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