silkie sexing

that would be good more eggs
Do either sex of silkies have faster growings feathers? I have 3 tha are 5 weeks old. The tails of two of them came in like 2 weeks sooner than the other one. That other one was smaller than those two at the time. They all look about the same now though.

Do either sex of silkies have faster growings feathers?  I have 3 tha are 5 weeks old.  The tails of two of them came in like 2 weeks sooner than the other one.   That other one was smaller than those two at the time.  They all look about the same now though. 


In my experience, no. Some shoot forward in growth while others lag behind. Then the slow pokes with feather past the others while the quick ones lag behind. They're some nerve wracking little suckers when it comes to sexing them!!!

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