silkie sexing

A little over 9 weeks old. I'm thinking Boris is a boy, but I'm not sure about Dusty! Thanks


I would GUESS that Dusty is a girl....
I know a good way to weed out the cockerals in a standard chick is by watching the development of tail feathers.
Does anyone know if this is the case in silkies too?
I have 7 blue silkie chicks in my brooder now that are 2 weeks old and 2 are starting with tail feathers, the rest aren't....
I have one that is 12 weeks old and only one so none to compare against at that age and I keep going back and forth too.
I have one other silkie and it's a 6 month old roo.
I knew he was a roo by 16 weeks for sure based on personality! At 5 months he started his crowing :)
I'm REALLY hoping this other one is a girl!
Any guesses on Nugget's gender? I think Nugget is around 12 weeks old.
Oh why do silkies torture us so! In the first pic, that neck stretch pose is very roo'ish, so if he/she is doing it a lot, I would say boy. I don't see any signs of boy feathering yet. I have an 8 week old hatchery silkie that "acts" all girl. No posturing at all except when chest bumping it's little friends, but I know anything is possible with silkies.
I just got these 3 month pullets today. The last who sold them told me they were a boy and a girl. She showed me on one something under one beak that mean it was a boy. I'm new to this so I'm hoping for answers. The chicks were shy and one immediately began to "mother" my week old black sex links. This is the best pic I could get but I can try again tomorrow if need be.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you for replying. Nugget is very docile and doesn't act roo-like at all. I see what you mean about the neck posture. I actually don't see this behavior much and Nugget doesn't seem to stand tall either. I'm sure it's just wishful thinking on my part. Now Wookie (sizzle, about 14 weeks) stands tall and is always alerting the others, inculding Nugget, when our Roo is on the prowl. I think Wookie is a roo based on behavior and a prominent comb. What are your thoughts?


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