silkie sexing

Help me out!! My chicks range from 3-8 weeks so its too young for some









Any guesses are appreciated!!
I think the black one may be a pullet, i cant see much of a comb. the splash (who is very very beautiful by the way) is hard to tell because its bearded. I always look at my chicks waddles and combs.

I have had bad luck with my chicks and now I only buy pullets. It was to heart breaking! And it's not easy having to keep rehoming roos. I have had so many roos. 4/4 in one lot I bought

I have 1 dominant roo. He is the only one who crows during the day. In the morning they will all crow.

When I have a roo who starts crowing he gets brought inside of a night/morning and put into our rooster box. Because we were doing this, another chick would step up and if ready, they would start to crow. S in answer to your question, yes! Removing the dominant roo can give opportunity for another one to crow.

Good luck I hope you only end up with 1 roo as willow is divine!

I don't think I'm destined to have one roo. I already have a two-month-old cochin who's crowing and protecting the four other chicks he was brooded with (two cochin pullets and two unknown silkies). That black one's comb is pretty big, that's just not showing well in the pictures, I guess. It started growing at two weeks and hasn't stopped. I need a better side shot of it where it isn't hidden by that wild fuzz on the chick's head. It also fights a lot with the known roo. But if the black is a pullet, I won't complain.
I really don't want to have to build a bachelor coop, but these guys are the kids' pets and we knew what we were getting in to.
I think the black one may be a pullet, i cant see much of a comb. the splash (who is very very beautiful by the way) is hard to tell because its bearded. I always look at my chicks waddles and combs.

I have had bad luck with my chicks and now I only buy pullets. It was to heart breaking! And it's not easy having to keep rehoming roos. I have had so many roos. 4/4 in one lot I bought

I have 1 dominant roo. He is the only one who crows during the day. In the morning they will all crow.

When I have a roo who starts crowing he gets brought inside of a night/morning and put into our rooster box. Because we were doing this, another chick would step up and if ready, they would start to crow. S in answer to your question, yes! Removing the dominant roo can give opportunity for another one to crow.

Good luck I hope you only end up with 1 roo as willow is divine!
yeah, gracey (the black one.. though she's supposed to be blue? doesn't seem blue lol) has a pretty small comb. it's always been like that! willow's comb popped up bigger than gracey's when they were younger but hasn't made much progress since. albedo's slowly got red in it and then got pretty big and his waddles were heaps prominent so he was real obvious.

i actually had a lot of luck in my first batch of chickens. we got 4 golden comets, an easter egger, barred rock, australorp, and rhode island red. all were girls but the BR and RIR. now we have a new BR hen. but i traded those roos in as soon as i realized they were boys- which was long before they started crowing (6-7 weeks). i prefer getting them a week or two old. depending. that's how old the non-goldens were.

i got these babies obviously knowing they couldn't be sexed obviously, because i had been waiting (my whole life) almost a month for them to hatch (at least it felt that way, i dunno how long it takes tbh). i was still hoping i made the right decisions though, y'know?

will roos not crow if they are by themselves? because my mom said albedo didn't crow this morning and usually he crows when they open the door and go in the garage. but i'm pretty sure when i was going to bed at 5-6am (yeah, i stayed up late pfft) i heard crowing. i assumed it was him but it could have been the people across the street. they have a roo and my windows were open. i hope they get up early enough today and see whether it's him or any of the others.

(also, albedo is still next to the other two, he just can't see them or interact with them at all. if they were roos, would they crow, despite being able to hear him?)

thank you so much! i really want gracey to be a girl especially because i named her after my friend's original character (she passed away in april of this year so i don't wanna get rid of her :c), and willow especially because of her gorgeous coloring! gosh she's so pretty- i had no idea she was gunna be a splash when i picked her out!
Reckless how long has he been crowing for? When my roo started crowing he did not do it every day. He slowly started doing it more often.

Being with other roosters has never stopped my ones from developing their combs or waddles and by about 3 months it was pretty obvious who was a boy and a girl.
Urchin...I think you're black one is a roo. I can see the comb. It looks bigger than the others. I think reckless black one is a pullet :)
Reckless how long has he been crowing for? When my roo started crowing he did not do it every day. He slowly started doing it more often.

Being with other roosters has never stopped my ones from developing their combs or waddles and by about 3 months it was pretty obvious who was a boy and a girl.

Urchin...I think you're black one is a roo. I can see the comb. It looks bigger than the others. I think reckless black one is a pullet
albedo started crowing on july 10th. 8 weeks old i believe. he didn't crow every day at first, but now he does every morning.. usually. so he's been crowing for at least 2 weeks now.

if my two other silkies were boys, would that mean they would have bigger waddles/combs by now? (save for willow, she's intensely bearded lol) willow's comb hasn't grown much since she was smaller. gracey's hasn't grown at all.

and thank you! i really hope she is a pullet.. i really hope willow is too!!

for fun, here's a picture i took of them a bit earlier today (technically yesterday now since it's 3am)

I've got 2 lovelies that I'd love an opinion on. This is Bjørk and Bjørn. They're 5 months old, and, they're identical in almost every way, including size and stature. Bjørn is on the left in the first picture. The second picture is him/her as well. Apparently, Bjørk missed the closeup photo op. I guess I'll have to try again later for that one.
EDIT: I managed to pin Bjørk down for his/her photo session even if they're blurry...
I wasn't sure from the photos as they look different colours in different photos but they look like they have similar colouring to my partridge hen in the first photo. If they are partridge the girls will stay as is but the boys will redden up suddenly and quite quickly change colour. If those are later photos of bjork and he has gone redder I'd think you are looking at a boy. Can't tell if its just the photo or him looking redder though.
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Can someone help me sex these two silkies, the black one is about 2months and 3 weeks old and the grey one is about 2months and 1week old.

this is Delilah(I think this is a rooster) Also can somebody tell me if s/he is a splash, grey or blue?

This is Kiki(I think it a hen) Is s/he going to be a gold top?

Thank you so much in advance!!!
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Do all silkie roos get the red comb?. iv got a boy 99% sure a roo 16.5 weeks old no crow and is scared of my 2 girls ( one silkie one light sussex) as the pick on it one is its mum who raised it. is this normal for a roo?

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