silkie sexing

Thanks Kitannah..

I think I heard 'her' crowing this morning. I'm a bit annoyed as I was guarantted by the breeder that it was a large female silkie and it was vent sexed. 

I've had breeders tell me all sorts of things when it comes to sexing chickens. None of the usual sexing techniques work with silkies. Don't worry I've also been ' bluffed ' by a breeders line of " I've been breeding chickens for 25 years ................... ". If you only recently purchased the roo I would contact the breeder and ask them to replace it. If you have reared it , then you have probably already formed an attachment to him. :confused:
Thanks Kitannah..

I think I heard 'her' crowing this morning. I'm a bit annoyed as I was guarantted by the breeder that it was a large female silkie and it was vent sexed.
That HUGE comb says BOY all day long .... none of my girls even come close to a comb that size ... How old is he?? I can not believe they are trying to pass it off as a "large girl"!!! Also vent sexing is usually done on say old chicks and they do not vent sex bantams as it is too dangerous and hard to see any bits..... With silkies they say you only really know when it crows or lays an egg ... So I guess you got your answer this morning. Sorry .....
I have 4 white Silkie chicks from Ideal that are 8 days old today. I know that it is much too early to determine their genders but I think the two smallest and most timid are pullets, I think the largest and boldest will be a rooster (he also has the most feathers on his feet), and, for the fourth, I am hoping for a pullet but would not be surprised to have two roosters. (I also think one of the two BR pullets I ordered will turn out to be a rooster. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of the 8 NH pullets I ordered are roosters.) I will post photos of the Silkies when the chicks are older and willing to stay still long enough to be in focus. ;)

None appear to be bearded but all have black skin, beaks, and feet, white feathers, feathers on their feet and the correct number of toes, five per foot. I am not expecting show quality from Ideal but are Silkie pullets from Ideal likely to go broody and be good mothers? I definitely want a couple broody hens. Of my previous 10 pullets (1 BR, 5 NH, and 4 EE) 4 years ago from Ideal, only one NH pullet went broody at seven months old and was never broody again. At least she hatched 3 chicks, two of whom grew to be hansome and friendly roosters.

Am I overly optimistic to hope for at least one broody hen?
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Yeah, I only got "her" last weekend so I'll contact the breeder to see if I can get it sorted out... I've already got 3 roosters that I raised from chicks hoping that at least one would be a hen, but I lost that lottery!
Any guesses on the gender of my 5 week old?? I know it's early but the first thread said at least four weeks so I am hoping someone can help me.

These next few are from a week ago, so 4 weeks old:

Any guesses on the gender of my 5 week old?? I know it's early but the first thread said at least four weeks so I am hoping someone can help me. These next few are from a week ago, so 4 weeks old:
At this point I see nothing rooish, so I'll say pullet. But that could easily change. Update with pics in a few more weeks! Its easier around 8-10 weeks of age.
Any thoughts on my Silkie, Diablo? Looks like a Roo to me... I'm no expert though!

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